Project Milestone 2: Network Requirements 1

MIS 589 , DeVry University

Applied Research Project

Milestone 0, Proposal Draft

Milestone 1, Proposal

Milestone 2, Network Requirements 1

-Physical, Data Link , Network Layers

Milestone 3, Network Requirements 2

-LAN and Backbone Network

Milestone 4, Network Requirements 3

-WAN and Internet

Milestone 5, Network Security and Management

  • Inventory of Assets

  • Threat Scenario 1

  • Network Manager job posting

  • Project Experience


MIS589 Project Milestone 0

Proposal Draft

DoctorOnDemand Mobile App


Prepared by:

Date: 03/05/2017

Approved by:  

1. Description of the service-summary

This is a mobile health app that allows users to see a doctor for a medical video consultation. The doctor can write a prescription for the patient, and address all the question a user may be having (Sifferlin, 2013, December). The app can enable users see a psychologist as well as enable users have a consultation of lactation.

2. Intended clients or customers

Any person with a mobile phone device and who has needs that he/she wants them addressed by a doctor can use this app. The app is available on Android, iOS, and Web. It targets those people who have busy schedules and would love convenience in terms of the time they can meet the doctor for advice, consultation and even drug prescription. The app saves time for users offer stress-free services for the patients as well as the doctors. Again, doctors are also the targeted users. The company gives the training to willing physicians on how to operate the service. Currently the company has a portfolio of about 1000 doctors who offer video consultations in one or two days a week.

3. Business objective statement

DoctorOnDemand seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  • To offer and convenient medical services to the patients

  • To connect a wide range doctors to the patients for easier provision of medical services

  • To reduce the fears in patients by offering quicker diagnosis and prescribing immediate drugs to take to contain any emergent situation

  • To promote general health of the public by encouraging them to consult medical services anytime and anywhere they are using this app

  • To enhanced customized medical services to the patients by having enough time to consult a doctor anytime and anywhere

4. Application architecture description

The architectural features of DoctorOnDemand app include In-App Navigation, SMS verification, instant and convenient booking, mobile dispatching, advanced backend system, and alarm button. The app has a rich interface that is very responsive to give users best experience. Further, it has easy cloud installation because it is made with quick and instant set up. The app is functionality to fit in devices that are android, iOS, Window phones, tablets, and computer/laptop. It enables users to place appointment with doctors and have their issues address via a video consultation.

5. Information provided to the clients

The physicians offer advice on prescription on simple medication, diagnose patients, provide information on where the patients can get quality medicines for the disease he/she may be having, among other information. Another major type of information provided by these doctors is assessing the progress of the treatment of a patient by further diagnosing the symptoms and signs. The physicians in this app ca diagnose and treat non-emergency medical conditions like flu symptoms, allergies, back pain, urinary tract infections, cold, heart burn, respiratory infections, and pediatric issues. More importantly, the doctors generally help to reduce fear in patients by diagnosing them with convenience and offering advice and prescription. The doctors can also give further advice on how a patient can seek additional medical attention.

6. Basic requirements

The app can be downloaded at Google Play, iOS, or Web. It requires one have a smart phone, a tablet or a computer/laptop. The app is currently allowing the users to have a live video chat with the United States certified doctors on these devices. It costs a user about $40 for a 15-minute chat with a certified physician who can diagnose any issue a user may be having, give prescription for simple medication, advice on the further steps to take, and generally help some reduce his/her fears.


DoctorOnDemand app is an easy and convenient way of accessing medical services through a mobile phone. It connects patients with doctors for a video consultation session. The doctors help in diagnosing the patients, give prescription, reduce their fear, and give further actions to be taken.


Sifferlin, A. (2013, December). Dr. Phil Start-up Brings Check-Ups Online. Web. Retrieved from:

MIS589 Project Milestone 1

Proposal Draft

DoctorOnDemand Mobile App


Prepared by: A

Date: 03/12/2017

Approved by:  

1. Description of the service-summary

This is a mobile health app that allows users to see a doctor for a medical video consultation. The doctor can write a prescription for the patient, and address all the question a user may be having (Sifferlin, 2013, December). The app can enable users see a psychologist as well as enable users have a consultation of lactation.

2. Intended clients or customers

Any person with a mobile phone device and who has needs that he/she wants them addressed by a doctor can use this app. The app is available on Android, iOS, and Web. It targets those people who have busy schedules and would love convenience in terms of the time they can meet the doctor for advice, consultation and even drug prescription. The app saves time for users offer stress-free services for the patients as well as the doctors. Again, doctors are also the targeted users. The company gives the training to willing physicians on how to operate the service. Currently the company has a portfolio of about 1000 doctors who offer video consultations in one or two days a week.

3. Business objective statement

DoctorOnDemand seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  • To offer and convenient medical services to the patients

  • To connect a wide range doctors to the patients for easier provision of medical services

  • To reduce the fears in patients by offering quicker diagnosis and prescribing immediate drugs to take to contain any emergent situation

  • To promote general health of the public by encouraging them to consult medical services anytime and anywhere they are using this app

  • To enhanced customized medical services to the patients by having enough time to consult a doctor anytime and anywhere

4. Application architecture description

The architectural features of DoctorOnDemand app include In-App Navigation, SMS verification, instant and convenient booking, mobile dispatching, advanced backend system, and alarm button. The app has a rich interface that is very responsive to give users best experience. Further, it has easy cloud installation because it is made with quick and instant set up. The app is functionality to fit in devices that are android, iOS, Window phones, tablets, and computer/laptop. It enables users to place appointment with doctors and have their issues address via a video consultation.

5. Information provided to the clients

The physicians offer advice on prescription on simple medication, diagnose patients, provide information on where the patients can get quality medicines for the disease he/she may be having, among other information. Another major type of information provided by these doctors is assessing the progress of the treatment of a patient by further diagnosing the symptoms and signs. The physicians in this app ca diagnose and treat non-emergency medical conditions like flu symptoms, allergies, back pain, urinary tract infections, cold, heart burn, respiratory infections, and pediatric issues. More importantly, the doctors generally help to reduce fear in patients by diagnosing them with convenience and offering advice and prescription. The doctors can also give further advice on how a patient can seek additional medical attention.

6. Basic requirements

The app can be downloaded at Google Play, iOS, or Web. It requires one have a smart phone, a tablet or a computer/laptop. The app is currently allowing the users to have a live video chat with the United States certified doctors on these devices. It costs a user about $40 for a 15-minute chat with a certified physician who can diagnose any issue a user may be having, give prescription for simple medication, advice on the further steps to take, and generally help some reduce his/her fears.


DoctorOnDemand app is an easy and convenient way of accessing medical services through a mobile phone. It connects patients with doctors for a video consultation session. The doctors help in diagnosing the patients, give prescription, reduce their fear, and give further actions to be taken.


Sifferlin, A. (2013, December). Dr. Phil Start-up Brings Check-Ups Online. Web. Retrieved from:

MIS589 Project Milestone 2

Network Requirements 1

Physical, Data Link, Network Layers

(Name of your service)

(Name of your company or business)

Prepared by: (Your Name)


Approved by:

Summary of physical media and network design for the proposed service (max 200 words)

A. Physical media selection: summary

A.1 Physical media consideration: Types of network and transmission distances

A.2 Physical media consideration: cost

B. Medium access

C. Network design

D. Network layer


MIS589 Project Milestone 3

Network Requirements 2

LAN and Backbone Network

(Name of your service)

(Name of your company or business)

Prepared by : (Your Name)


Approved by:

Summary of LAN or backbone network for the proposed network (max 200 words)

A. LAN design summary

A.1 Wired or wireless LAN functions

A.2 Wired or wireless LAN link and device requirements

A.3 Wired or wireless LAN bandwidth and performance requirements

B. Backbone network (if applicable)


MIS589 Project Milestone 4

Network Requirements 3

WAN and Internet

(Name of your service)

(Name of your company or business)

Prepared by: (Your Name)


Approved by:

Summary of WAN and Internet requirements for the proposed network (max 200 words)

A.1 Need for WAN connectivity

A.2 Traffic through the WAN

A.3 Possible WAN options

A.4 Explain your choice for WAN service

B.1 Role of Internet in your network

Pro and cons of using Internet in business


MIS589 Project Milestone 5

Network Security

Inventory of Assets



Most Important

Security Requirement



MIS589 Project Milestone 5

Network Security

Threat Scenario


Asset Importance




Impact on

___ Confidentiality

___ Integrity

___ Availability

Impact Area








Impact Score

Risk Score (likelihood x Impact Score)

Risk Control Strategy

___ Accept


___ Share


Risk Mitigation Controls

MIS589 Project Milestone 5

Network Management

Network Manager Job Posting

MIS589 Project Milestone 5

Project Experience

What did you learn from this project? List the knowledge, skills, and abilities.

What are some of the ways by which you will extend your knowledge, skills, and abilities that you acquired by doing this project?

Grading Rubric: Milestone 1—Proposal (57 points)

  1. Description of the service summary (200 words max) (5 points)
    --Forward looking statement about the business.

  2. Intended clients or customers (10 points)
    -- State this clearly, it will affect your architecture type

  3. Business objective statement (10 points)
    --You should tell us how you will sustain your business

  4. Application architecture description (7 points)
    You should talk about the architecture such as
    ---Client-server, 2-tier client-server, 3-tier client-server, cloud (n-tier client server)

  5. Information provided to the clients (10 points)
    --What your users will need to know to use your web site.

  6. Basic network requirements (10 points)
    ---- Media type for your architecture (copper, fiber, servers, satellite, Wi-Fi, others)

  7. conclusion

Quality work, editing, and clear language (5 points)

Keep up the good work.
