Amend my assignment (Training & Development)


Training and development assessment


Institutional affiliation



Across the industry the embracement of technology is proving to be a challenge not only in Singapore but also across the world. Taxi companies that have already adopted technology are using apps to calculate mirage and determine payments which has proven to be cheaper than traditional taxis. In other places private-cars sharing systems have seen anyone with a driving license to ably act as a chauffeur. This problem has also affected Comfort Ltd thus one business goal should be to adopt the technology and other changes as well as the needs that come with these changes. Comfort would have to analyze and make necessary alterations to its overall strategy as it will be the only way to compete. This change to the overall strategy includes Comfort investing into moving into digital space so that they can retain their market share. Changes are inevitable in this day and age when all sectors in the society are embracing technology and the taxi industry all over the globe will have to find a balance so that traditional taxis can continue operating profitably (Rothwell, 2005)

Comfort Ltd needs to ensure that it helps its workers gain the necessary skills to operate in this digital space. It will have to invest in training programs that are necessary to maintain its market share. These may include better/improvement of customer service skills so that the drivers and other workers can handle customers in a more satisfactory manner thus they will be regulars. Innovative ideas on how to brand Comfort Ltd as the best option needs to be strategically developed. Being one of the largest players in Singapore means that creativity and innovation will be required to keep loyal customers from straying off to new entrants such as Uber (Taxi, 2008).

Traditional taxis such as those run by Comfort Ltd have received complaints from clients who expect the drivers to go a little further than just driving. Being a grouchy driver who wants to vent their frustration on clients is a big problem in the taxi industry. Customers express need for their drivers to be courteous and speak well. They also want a driver who can talk if they want to talk to them after all the customer is always right and the pace setter in every business. One organizational training need is for drivers to be adaptable and flexible enough to deal with different kinds of people (Noe, 2013)

Traditionally drivers have been choosy on who their customers are and where they would pick them up preferably high frequency areas as they were known to lead to more success. The skills, knowledge and abilities requirements of Comfort Ltd requires to be realigned to the overall new strategic needs, goals, objectives, as well as the everyday operations of the organization. Value of training is that it will lay the foundation for the digital success of the company. The culture and geographical preference of Comfort taxis will give information useful to human resource management so that assessment of these needs training points and prioritizes needed areas giving them the resources such as time they need to be well trained. Assessment makes it possible to know the resources that will be required so that areas of productivity can be improved (Hwei, 2015).

Comfort also needs to adopt skills and knowledge that will prevent technological issues from arising. Back in 2010 when the company adopted a hotline system it suffered from the system failing to accommodate high traffic. While migrating into digital space, Comfort needs to analyze the needs and requirement that this move will present and ensure that it has the necessary talent and skills to satisfy these needs. Drivers also complained that there were many customers who called in but failed to show up. This will enable the digital move be yielding but closing technical hitches (Hwei, 2015).

Support for personal development amongst drivers may be useful in that they will be less frustrated and motivated to offer the best of services. This assessment led to the realization that underperformance, can be counteracted by altering the training/orientation Comfort drivers have but also ensuring that there is continuous on-job training. The analysis points on the training needs that would prove to be crucial in the face of stiff competition. Any organization that focuses on personal development benefits as staff have their careers grow, are inspired at a personal level-factors that boost performance for the overall benefit of the organization. The Taxi industry is a service industry where factors such as convenience, reliability, courtesy and applicable framework will be used to measure quality. Comfort needs to know what clients seeking taxi services are looking for and ensure they meet these needs while going a step further to surpass these expectations. Core values and concepts that will be used to guide a digitalized Comfort Ltd need to be established and embedded in the mission and vision of Comfort Ltd (Chairman, 2013).

SMART objectives for a training plan give it focus to the plan thus it achieves specific characteristics and attributes that are needed for a certain role. This specificity ensures the training is in line with the mission and vision of Comfort directing it to set resources aside for training. Smart objectives reduce chances of misuse ensuring they are specifically utilized in a program to attain the desired/specific outcomes of the training. Measuring the output of the training program as well as identifying ways in which the smart goals can be measured continuously so as to improve performance once the employees undergo the training. Smart goals facilitate the attainment of the goals by identifying the qualities and standards required to be maintained to see it succeed. Adjustments in terms of culture, attitude and the work environment to ensure their attainability may need to be made based on its realistic and applicability to Comfort Ltd.

The uniqueness of Comfort Ltd means that being realistic is the first step to ensuring the training achieves the set goals. Comfort Ltd has to acknowledge its weaknesses and strengths so that it is realistic when setting its training to ensure that the program is sustainable in the short and long run. Smart goals also provide an opportunity for Comfort Ltd to time its training and the progress. Timing is important as it gives a frame on which the success and the problems are analyzed and adjustments made. It removes the possibility of a wrong plan from being used indefinitely and creates room for improvements (Clardy, 1997).

Individual learning needs analysis to determine the employee’s performance gaps as compared against the finding of the task analysis reveals that performance of an employee needs to be evaluated with the quality of work being the most basic criteria. Drivers need to fulfill their roles in Comfort Ltd with a degree of excellence so as to keep the company competitive despite the challenges the taxi industry faces. Quality work in the taxi industry will be the new epitome for taxi companies to be judged on. Each company should invest in ensuring its employee offer quality work in terms of neatness, accuracy, thoroughness, acceptability and error-free work. Quantity of work in the taxi industry will better the overall performance for each company. Generally all employees need to fully comprehend the procedures, policies, regulations and protocols that each company will adopt as these are important as they indicate one’s skills and experience thus appraising their performance higher. The right attitude in their work as well as that adopted by management of Comfort Ltd. can be used to evaluate their performance. Positivity is required even amidst the disruption so that it can trigger the necessary commitment and dedication to this industry (Gluck, 2016).

The learning outcomes for the training programme include preparing the drivers and the management towards the many adjustments that will be required for Comfort to move into a digital space. Many Comfort drivers have been in the business for years and feel that the changes are biting into the profits. This is especially the fact that any driver can be a taxi driver without going through the taxi driver tests to get the license and without the six years course refreshment requirement. If Comfort can get its house in order and make a smooth transition then being one of the biggest taxi services in providers will offer an opportunity to be part of the policy making process that will see the right and balanced policies put in place attaining the much needed calm in the industry (Chand, 2016).


Chairman. (2013). Annual report . Comfort Delgro.

Chand, S. (2016). Steps involved in process of performance appraisal. Retrieved 1 7, 2017, from

Clardy, A. B. (1997). Studying your workforce: Applied research methods and tools for the training and development practitioner. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications.mance-appraisal/35494/

Hwei, L. (2015). The face of disruption: Singapore's taxis and private cars. Vulcan Post , 10.

taxi, C. (2008, 8 30). Taxi Singapore. Retrieved 3 13, 2017, from

Gluck, S. (2016). Criteria for an employee evaluation. Small Business , 1.

Noe, R. A. (2013). Employee training and development. Singapore: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Rothwell, W. J. (2005). Beyond training and development: The groundbreaking classic on human performance enhancement. New York: American Management Association.