write one reflection for each assignment

Reflection on Genetic Testing Persuasive Presentation

I prepared this Genetic Testing persuasive presentation for the Oral Communication course

Furthermore, for the purpose of developing myself, I am going to evaluate my performance during doing

this assignment using the standard Communic ation Indicators. I consider myself intermediate in

determining the nature and extent of information needs due to my ability to understand the nature,

topic and scope of the ass ignment with a minimal assistance form my instructor. I also believe that I am

intermediate in accesses needed information. Although it was hard to find reliable resources in the form

of doctors’ opinions, I solved this problem by asking my sister (who is a doctor) to help me find medical

articles that contain the needed information f or my assignment. Based on the huge amount of help I

required to critically evaluating the quality of information in relation to need, I think I stand in the

beginning level in this indicator. Reflecting on the way I presented my work in class, I believe I am

Intermediate in preparing and delivering effective written and oral communications. I practiced

presenting many times, prepared notes to facilitate the information for the students, in case I noticed

that they do not comprehend any information, and I w as very organized during presenting. Finally

considering my excellent skills in referencing and performing the in -text -citation, I evaluate myself as

advanced in adhering to ethical practices in the use and communication of information.