dr rocal 4113 final project proposal


Organizational Culture



Organizational Culture

Organizational culture refers to the beliefs, principles, ideologies, and values in an organization, which determine the relationship between employees and with the company (Alvesson, 2013). It is important for every organization to have its culture since it is a determining factor as far as organizational success is concerned. Organizational culture is also important in uniting employees from different ethnic backgrounds. By having a shared culture in an organization, the employees feel a sense of understanding and unity towards each other, and this promotes communication promoting better communication and less conflict. It also improves the level of communication, thus improving the productivity of the employees. Similarly, organizational culture kept employees loyal and motivated in the company since they see themselves as part of the organizational culture and feel motivated to work towards achieving the goals of the organization. Such motivation improves their productivity as well as the quality of their work and products of the organization (Alvesson, 2013). This paper focuses on three types of organizational cultures including cultural diversity, safety and collaboration and the effects they have on the quality and performance of an organization.

Cultural Diversity

Cultural diversity refers to the different cultural backgrounds of employees in an organization. Institutions are social places and this means that they can employ anyone, irrespective of his/her cultural origin. Due to the different cultures, it is important that the organization comes up with an overall organizational culture to control the behaviors of the employees. For example, having a formal language in the office reduces conflicts, misunderstanding and cultural superiority in a company. If every employee is left to speak in his/her mothertongue, it would be difficult to understand each other and some may be left feeling inferior when a particular culture dominates the company. However, having a common language fosters unity ad every employee feels appreciated. It increases the quality of their productivity as wells as their performance in the organization.

Employee Safety

Employee safety is another factor which determines the quality of production and performance of the employee. Employees are human beings, not machines and they must be protected from various accidents and injuries in a workplace. The organization must, therefore, develop a culture in which employee safety is given the priority. They must be trained on the various precautions to take to prevent these accidents and injuries (Schein & Schein, 2017). Similarly, protective clothing such as gloves and gumboots must be provided to them. For example, if an employee falls from a tall building and suffers fractures, it is the organization to suffer since there will be a gap in the production process. Showing concern for their safety is one way to motivate them since it makes them feel appreciated and of value in the organization. Furthermore, it motivates them to perform their duties effectively, leading to the production of quality goods and services.

Collaborative Culture

Lastly, organizational culture involves collaboration among employees. A collaborative culture calls for employee cooperation on various projects, within and without the organization. It encourages teamwork, which is crucial for work environment (Fallon, Begun & Riley, 2014). Therefore, all employees must be encouraged to co-operate with each other in whatever duty they do in the organization. Through such interactions, they can determine the weaknesses of each other and help them overcome. It is also through teamwork that they get to improve their skills, which leads to quality production and improved overall performance of the organization. In a situation where most of the employees are not in good terms with each other, they may not be ready to consult one another and seek help in areas of difficulties. Such attitudes are likely to affect the production process and the performance of individual employees. Thus, to improve quality and performance in an organization, management must focus on improving cultural diversity, safety and a collaborative culture among the employees.


Alvesson, M. (2013). Understanding organizational culture. Los Angeles: SAGE.

Fallon, L., Begun, J. & Riley, W. (2014). Managing health organizations for quality and performance. Burlington, Mass: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Schein, E. H., & Schein, P. (2017). Organizational culture and leadership. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.