for michael smith only

Grading Rubric







Information is very organized with well-constructed paragraphs, strong topic sentences, and clear transitions.


Information is organized with well-constructed paragraphs.

Information is organized, but paragraphs are not well-constructed.

The information appears to be disorganized.


The student has chosen a fictional story from the readings for this class and written an essay of sufficient length (at least 3 paragraphs).

The student has chosen a fictional story from the readings for this class, but the essay is a little too short to fully develop an analysis.

The student has chosen a fictional story from the readings for this class, but the essay is much too short. The analysis feels incomplete.

The student has not chosen a fictional story from the readings for this class or has failed to respond to the prompt.


The student clearly identifies at least two choices the author made and analyzes the effect that those choices have on the development of the story.

The student clearly identifies at least two choices the author made but may not fully analyze the effect those choices have on the development of the story.

The student identifies one or two choices the author made and doesn’t analyze the effect those choices have on the development of the at all.

The student fails to identify any choices the author made. Either the essay is a book report or the student fails to respond to the prompt.

Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation

The essay contains 0-2 errors. The student has a strong command of the English language.  Grammarly report and academic integrity statement are submitted.

The essay contains 3-4 errors. The student understands language usage but may need to be reminded to proofread before submission. Grammarly report and academic integrity statement are submitted.

The essay contains 5-6 errors. The student may need to brush up on key grammatical concepts. Grammarly report or academic integrity statement are submitted.

The essay contains more than 6 errors. The student may need additional tutoring in grammar and usage. Neither Grammarly report or academic integrity statement are submitted.