Non-verbal communication in friendships and romantic relationships


Non-verbal communication in friendships and romantic relationships



Non-verbal communication in friendships and romantic relationships

Nothing is more important in relationships like friendships and romantic ones than non-verbal communication. In fact, according to recent research, nonverbal communications consistent with 55% of the entire communication (Yamaguchi, Smith, & Ohtsubo, 2015). Additionally, nonverbal communication is easily understandable among partners and friends for making communication enjoyable (Docan-Morgana, Manusov, & Harvey, 2013). A relationship that does not utilize nonverbal communication suffer when people are sending conflicting nonverbal messages, misinterpret nonverbal message as well as express negative nonverbal cues. Therefore, there is no secret that nonverbal communication is a potent means of solving the problems by showing affections, maintaining a satisfying relationship as well as express positive emotions to the loved ones (Docan-Morgana, Manusov, & Harvey, 2013).

Nonverbal cues are the main mode through which people reflects on the current nature of the relationship and beyond. Hence, by sending relational messages is simply showing without saying any words in subtle ways (Docan-Morgana, Manusov, & Harvey, 2013). For instance, when friends embrace and hug one another when greeting each other, simply showing missing one another. Additionally, a hearty handshake also being signified affection. The importance of nonverbal communication cannot be dismissed since the help is to show a bond amongst couples in a relationship or friendship.

Nonverbal communication is a reflection of existing relationships (Yamaguchi, Smith, & Ohtsubo, 2015). Furthermore, the presentation of intimate cues helps to sustain the bond built between friends and partners in a romantic relationship. Therefore, nonverbal communication would help to send relational messages that show the standing of the relationship (Manusov, Docan-Morgan, & Harvey, 2012). The Nonverbal signals also function as the connection between new friends who holds each other in high favors.

Background and Need

Communication is a vital factor in any relationship for offering a connection and reflection of the importance of the relationship (Docan-Morgana, Manusov, & Harvey, 2013). Since nonverbal communication makes up a huge part of communication, nonverbal cues are necessary in terms of friendship or romantic relationship. For example, when people meet for the first time, a person may express their likes and dislikes through their tone of voice, body movements, and other cues (Ray & Floyd, 2006). Nonverbal cues such as hugs and kisses communicate to the friends or partners for love to each other (Manusov, Docan-Morgan, & Harvey, 2012). However, at the beginning of the relationship, nonverbal cues might not seem as important as when the relationship is stable and keeping constant. Furthermore, nonverbal communication is used to strengthen the relationship in the beginning and ensure the match together.

Nonverbal communication creates the need for change in a relationship. For instance, using negative cues like frowning shows the disapproval of an individual to a certain behavior of friends or partners (Docan-Morgana, Manusov, & Harvey, 2013). The negative cues are undesirable support and would make the other partner or friend make a transformational change. The changes are significant as ensuring the relationship has a smooth transition, especially in the early stages. However, failure to use nonverbal cues and communication may suggest that the relationship is a failure as there is no right communication (Docan-Morgana, Manusov, & Harvey, 2013). Later, leads to a problematic relationship and friendship in which has a lot of conflicted arguments.

Endlessly, nonverbal communication is showing importance in the sense of the nonverbal cues and helps to build a relationship and repair the behavior of friends and couples. In addition, nonverbal signs are very important in helping people to connect and link the intimate actions without saying words. Then, nonverbal cues should be used to show positive emotion and express affection to each other. Hence, a dynamic factor in a successful and satisfying relationship or friendship is the nonverbal signals.


Docan-Morgana, T., Manusov, V., & Harvey, J. (2013). When a small thing means so much: nonverbal cues as turning points in relationships. An International Journal of Personal Relationships, 7(1), 45-67: Retrieved from

Manusov, V., Docan-Morgan, T., & Harvey, J. (2012). Nonverbal firsts: when nonverbal cues are the impetus of relational and personal change in romantic relationships. In A. Kostic & D. Chadee (Eds.) The Social Psychology of Nonverbal Communication, 153-172. UK: Palgrave Macmillan

Ray, G. B., & Floyd, K. (2006). Nonverbal expressions of liking and disliking in initial interaction: Encoding and decoding perspectives. Southern Communication Journal, 71(1), 45-65.

Yamaguchi, M., Smith, A., & Ohtsubo, Y. (2015). Commitment signals in friendship and romantic relationships. Evolution and Human Behavior, 36(6), 467–474.