2 Essay REVIEW


Nowadays, the technology has developed and there are a lot of technologies are being product such as cellphone, laptop, tablet, or TV. The more technology has changed is the more people are attracted to it. Most people are spending their time on cellphone, TV or laptop. It will become a habit and people cannot image how their life could be without technology. In my first experiment, I tried to put my cellphone away and see how long I could stand without my cellphone. At that moment, I felt I was missing something in my life. It was easier in the second time when I tried to put my cellphone away and playing card with my family and doing my homework in that time. And I could feel the different between the first and second experiment such as feeling and timing, and thinking. Also, after two experiment, I felt that the way I spent my time was really useful.

Firstly, the most thing make me think the first experiment was different from the second experiment is because of my feeling. In the first experiment, I had nothing to do and I kept trying to find something to do. For example, I started to clean my car and went to supermarket with my mother. I felt bored and wanted to get my phone back so badly. Whereas, I was playing card with my family in the second experiment and doing my homework. For instance, I and my family were playing blackjack and I won a lot of money. I think it is why I felt happy and almost forget where my cellphone was. Moreover, I think technology is really matter to people’s feeling. People are attracted to it and it makes people feel different between reality and social media. Soto said that “I tried to convince them that if we improve the way we looked might get along better in life.” (lookingforwork, page 23) Like Soto character in the Looking for Work story, the kind of family on TV made he felt his family is not like other family or perfect and he wanted to change the way of his family like the kind of family on TV. It was really bad how technology changed Soto’s thinking about the value of family. Also, I think the first experiment was different from the second experiment is because of timing. In the first experiment, I took only two hours to put my cellphone away, but I took five hours to do the second experiment. Although I spent five hours in the second experiment, but I felt time flied so fast. Whereas, I spent only two hours in the first experiment, but I felt time flied so slow. I think I was not interested in what I was doing in the first experiment, so I kept thinking about my cellphone. But in the second experiment I was playing card with my family and it took all my attention. I also used the other three hours to do my homework, so I didn’t have time to break. That is why I didn’t have time to worry about my cellphone.

Second, the different between the first experiment and the second experiment is that my thinking about technologies have changed. In the first experiment, I think it could be easy for me to go through the day without technology. But It was not easy like I thought in the first time and I felt really bored without my cellphone. And I was thinking how people back then lived without cellphone, then I called my grandmother and asked about it. She said people were more connected to each other back then. But nowadays, people has changed a lot and less connected because of technologies and she didn’t want to be a person in those people. She said technologies are really useful, but when people keep using it a lot, it will cause a lot of issues such as addiction, being lazy, distance people from each other. I had been thinking about what my grandmother said after that, so I thought I needed to change myself when I did this experiment again. In the second experiment, my thinking about technologies has changed and I wanted to see how people around me live without technologies, especially my family. For example, I talked them about my experiment and I wanted them to do this experiment with me. I took away their cellphone and asked them to play blackjack with me. They did not agree when I asked them to give me their cellphone, but when I said it was a part of my essay and I really needed them to help me. I could see that they do not happy when they gave their cellphone to me. I could tell that they were missing their cellphone so badly during the game but they still tried to play with me. After that I felt what my grandmother told me is true because I could feel that technology make people are being distance from each other. For instance, although my family were having fun in playing card, but I could see they still were thinking about their cellphone and worrying about it. I felt a little sad because my family and I were not talking a lot after the game because they were busy holding and checking their cellphone or watching TV. Later, I decided to take out my homework and spent my time doing homework. It was feeling headache while I was doing my homework. Anyway, after I figured out my homework problem, I was really happy and felt more confident for the next exam. Moreover, I think people has changed a lot in their life because of technology. It is also really important in people’s life and some people could not live without technology. Although people do not have anything to do on their cellphone, but they keep checking on it and looking at it like a habit.

Lastly, I felt like my time was useful after I did two experiments. In the first experiment, I used the time to went to supermarket with my mother and wash my car. I think it was useful because at least I have done something in a day, not just sitting there and playing nothing with my cellphone. For example, if I did not wash my car, I would take my car to wash it in the car wash spot and it would cost my money. I think it saved my money in washing my car by myself. In the second experiment, I used my time to play blackjack with my family for two hours and did my homework for three hours. By spending time with my family, it made me felt that I did not spend a lot of time with my family before and my family has changed a lot because of technologies. For example, they did not feel happy when they were playing card with me because they were worrying about their cellphone. Also, by spending time with my homework, I figured out a lot of problems that I didn’t understand in class. It made me felt more comfortable than before and felt more confident on the exam. I realized that I wasted a lot of my time in technologies and it didn’t help me anything. Also, I realized that I need to spend more time for my homework because it really helps me a lot in school.

In conclusion, technologies are helpful in our life, but it is also harmful if people keep using it a lot. It makes people are being distance from each other such as their family, friends and feel differently whenever they don’t have their cellphone. It is also a waste of time when they are using it and change their thinking about their family or life. After did the experiment, I could feel the different in my family and now I want to do something to change it. I think I will try this experiment more and more in my life, so I can spend my time for something useful. The best advice I have learn for myself from this experiment is keeping myself busy, so I can go through this experiment easier.