
HRM 426 Assignment 1

Cross-culture 1


Saudi Aramco Mobil Refinery Company Ltd. (SAMREF).

SAMREF is an equally owned joint venture between Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) and Mobil Yanbu Refining Company Inc. (a wholly owned subsidiary of Exxon Mobil Corporation).

Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) is the world’s largest oil producing and exporting company and was established by Royal Decree in 1988 to assume the responsibilities of its predecessor, Aramco that has a history dating back more than 70 years.

 SAMREF MISSION:     Timely supply the highest value products at a competitive cost through a competent and optimized work force, while maintaining world class safety, reliability and environmental protection.



We excel in all that we do, and the way in which we do it while maintaining safety & reliability standards.


We value trust, develop and empower all our employees in a cross-functional teamwork environment complementing each other.


We pay full attention to the well-being of the employees as well as the community.


We hold ourselves and one another accountable for our action.


SAMREF shall be the leading refinery in Europe and Asia.


  • Reinforce company-wide business initiatives and program

  • Support business strategy by reinforcing certain behavior that contribute to SAMREF success.

  • Acknowledge or give special attention to employee actions, efforts, behaviors and performance.

  • Increasing productivity, in general creating positive work environment.

  • Involving a total commitment by the company and its leadership.

The Mission, Vision and Goals of the HR department

  • Human Recourse Mission Statement:

1-Human Recourse department aims to attract the most qualified and skilled employee who are having commitment and sharing culture and values to fulfill the company goal.

2- Facilitate the refinery operations and business activity to maximize the productivity and efficient utilization of our employees for running SAMREF business in Europe and Asia.

  • Human Recourse Vision statement:

Our vision is to support SAMREF to be the leader in Europe and Asia.

  • Human Recourse Goals:

  1. To adapt culture that promote Excellence by:

- Evaluate employee performance every 6-month starting in the beginning of June\2018 and December\2018, and give them the feedback at the middle of June\2018 and December\2018.

- Motivate the employees by rewarding competition ideas annually to increase the competition between the employees starting from January\2018.

- Adoption competition and Hiring qualified employees every 6 months with help of "Dar Al-Riyadh" for recruitment or provide consultant from outside the company if needed.

- Make orientation week for new employees at the begging of every years, starting January\2018.

- Develop ISO standard to improve the organization quality by making training program frequently every year, starting on March\2018.

- Make training program about time management for the people who have over load work for 1 day semiannually, starting at the end of June\2018.

  1. To adapt culture that promote Safety environment in SAMREF by:

- Check the physical environment semiannually, starting on January\2018.

- Make medical checkup for the people who work on the operation line quarterly, starting on March\2018.

- Put signboards and designate proper emergency exits inside the company and check it every year and update it if needed, starting on January\2018.

- Provide safety wear for all employees who work on the operation building every year, starting on January\2018.

- Conducting training program in safety standard and how to deal with risk every 2 month, starting on February\2018.

- Develop OSHA safety program in the company by conducting training program in OSHA program every year, starting on February\2018.

- Conducting training program in how to make emergency action plan properly every year, starting on April\2018.

- Train all employees how to implement emergency plan every year, starting on May\2018.

  1. To adapt culture that promote Innovation and accountability environment by:

  • Enhance the employee's innovation by provide them with creative thinking training programs and courses every six-months starting on January 2018.

  • Make tours for the employees to visit a variety of firms to have new ideas and broad their thinking skills, semiannually starting on April 2018.

  • Give empowerment for employees to feel freedom while creating unique ideas by giving the managers training programs annually starting on January 2018.

  • Reward innovative employees annually, performance evaluation must be including.

  • Sending motivation massages to employees every week to enhance a sense of innovation, starting on January 2018.

  1. To enhance the Teamwork among the employee by:

  • Conducting annually seminar to promote the communication between employees, share their knowledge and build interpersonal skills for 2 days in 4th August 2018.

  • Training to develop managers' communication skills by conducting training programs such as empathy skills, positive attitude, emotional intelligence and dealing with difficult people as an intensive training program for two weeks from 5th to 9th March 2018.

  • Performance evaluation standards to evaluate teamwork annually at the end of the year.

  • Give them group tasks to build up relations among team members and evaluate them annually according to their contribution work.

  • Give them effective teamwork training course to update the employees who never attend it, that each employee has to attend it at least once starting annually on 29th January 2018.

  1. To adapt culture that promote Citizenship environment by:

  • Promote the citizenship values by encouraging the employees to be more engaged by encouraging the employees to participate in annual vision to create and set Human resource goals starting on 25th November 2017.

  • Conducting a training program for managers every year to improve their tolerance and deal with conflict effectively.

  • Accept and adopt failure culture in the company, deal with the conflict effectively every 6 months starting on Aug 24th / 2018.

  • Trained the employee in engage them in term of the duties and obligation every 6 months.

  • Improve the social responsibility of business to meet continuous growth in the company by conducting training program semiannually starting on May 4th / 2018.

  • Make informal meeting every 2 weeks to build unity culture within the company.

  • Training Programs:

  • Training to develop managers' communication skills by conducting training programs such as empathy skills, positive attitude, emotional intelligence and dealing with difficult people as package incentive program for two weeks from 5th to 9th March 2018.

  • Give them effective teamwork training course to update the employees who never attend it, that each employee has to attend it at least once starting annually on 29th January 2018.

  • Trained the employee in engage them in term of the duties and obligation every 6 months.

  • Conducting a training program for managers every year to improve their tolerance and deal with conflict effectively.

  • Enhance the employee's innovation by provide them with creative thinking training programs and courses every six-months starting on January 2018.

  • Give empowerment for employees to feel freedom while creating unique ideas by giving the managers training programs annually starting on January 2018.

  • Develop ISO standard to improve the organization quality by making training program frequently every year, starting on March\2018.

  • Make training program about time management for the people who have over load work for 1 day semiannually, starting at the end of June\2018.

  • Conducting training program in safety standard and how to deal with risk every 2 month, starting on February\2018.

  • Develop OSHA safety program in the company by conducting training program in OSHA program every year, starting on February\2018.

  • Conducting training program in how to make emergency action plan properly every year, starting on April\2018.

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