Feasibility Proposal Assignment

Writing Requirements

- Memo format. Follow the description guidelines below - 600-1200 words (approx. 2-4 single spaced pages)
- 12 point Arial font


Working in groups, write an internal, formal proposal (in memo format) that identifies how you intend to produce a feasibility report that outlines a possible business project or venture. Your proposal should present a complete, fully developed plan regarding the report. For instance, it should explain the topic (problem) of your report, where and how you will carry out your research, and how you will schedule the various tasks involved.

When brainstorming topics, it might help to consider your role within an/the (hypothetical) organization, whether management solicited the proposal, whether the proposal will be targeting employees of your own organization (internal) or a client (external), the nature of the problem you are addressing, and the type of solution you are recommending. Remember that when you write a proposal, you should try to anticipate problems and develop contingency plans to deal with them.

Required Components
The proposal must contain at least the following sections:

  • Introduction: What is the problem and why is it a problem? What circumstances prompted this investigation? (Or, if you are hypothesizing that your supervisor has solicited the report from you, what are the current conditions as you see them?)

  • Methods: What methods of research and data collection would you use? Where would you get your information?

  • Procedures: What specific steps will you take after your proposal gains approval? What will happen first, second, third? What is your timetable?

  • Resources: Will you require special facilities or additional personnel to carry out your investigation? If so, how will you justify any effort or expense that will grow out of your work?

  • Conclusions/Recommendations: What are your solutions? What are your general recommendations? How do they address the problem at hand?