English 800-1000 word essay.

The Profile Essay Assignment

As you have read in Module I Lecture, the profile essay is your judgement of an outstanding person, place, or thing. As the word indicates, a profile of a person focuses on one aspect or angle of the individual not everything like a biography. For example, if you want to write a profile of Oprah Winfrey, you don’t write a full biography of her; instead, you pick one aspect of her like her giving back to the society; helping the needy; building schools for girls, and so on.

Therefore, the profile essay is about what makes an individual or a place so unique from others. What is so special about him or her? To do this, you need to make an outline.

A time-tested approach to ensuring strong organization can be achieved through outlining. Outlines don’t have to be formal and can instead provide more of a visual map that lists the main points or ideas you want to convey in your essay. By listing these ideas in an outline, you are able to spend time prewriting and trying out the placement of your ideas. Outlines will help to keep you on track once you sit down to begin drafting your essay. There is a sample outline on page 332 of your textbook.

Essay 1 Prompt

  • The essay has to be 2-3 pages: double space, 12 fonts, Times New Roman

  • Use MLA format to write your name, your professor’s name and other info like the following sample:

Brian Naidus (write your name)

Profile Essay

Professor Abebe

7 April 2017

  • See the student essay sample on page 486

  • Use transitions to connect sentences and paragraphs

  • Edit your essay before you drop it.