HR Roles Mind Map and job requirements

Organization and Style






Major points are stated clearly, are supported by specific details, examples or analysis, and are organized logically

Little organization for major points. Examples are not given, details are not provided, or analysis is missing.

Paper is well-organized. Most points are well-supported with details and examples.

Introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points

No introduction, or no clear preview of major points, or no background along with major points.

Provides background and previews major points well.

The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews major points.

No conclusion or conclusion introduces new materials instead of summarizing what has been presented.

Conclusion summarizes major points and makes clear recommendations or takes a position.

Paper meets assignment guidelines for length

Assignment is considerably shorter or longer than required.


Exceed max of 10% directly quoted material.

Assignment is within guidelines.

Paragraph transitions are present and logical and maintain the flow throughout the paper.

Paper does not flow clearly, or is disorganized.

Overuse of bullets or lists.

Most paragraph transitions are well done. Section and subsection headings help define the flow.

Tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.

Uses inappropriate voice or presents information from a biased viewpoint. Does not distinguish between facts and opinions.

Uses appropriate “voice” for the assignment, and presents information in a factual and professional manner.

Sentences are complete, clear and concise.

Frequent use of sentence fragments, run-on sentences, or awkward phrasing.

No sentence fragments or run-on sentences.

Sentences are well-constructed with consistently strong, varied sentences.

Uses passive voice frequently, tends to have simple sentences and phrases.

Good use of active voice, with well-written, interesting sentences.

Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.

Sentences frequently unconnected with rough transitions.

Over use of bulleted lists.

Sentences flow well.


Mechanics (APA, Spelling & Grammar)





The paper, including the title page, reference page, tables and appendices follow APA guidelines for format

Nothing follows APA format. References are missing information.

Margins, title page, reference pages, etc. all follow APA format.


Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow APA guidelines

Incorrect or missing citations. Block quotes are not handled correctly. Required information is not all present.

Text citations are correct. Block quotes are properly indented and formatted. All information is present.


Paper is written in MS Word

Paper is not compatible with MS Word

Paper is compatible with MS Word and submitted in Word Format

The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.

No headings or headings not in APA format.

Inconsistant font styles or colors.

Headings, properly formatted, and fonts are appropriate to the assignment.

Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.

Frequent errors.

Uses first or second person in writing.


Paper is generally error-free.

Paper is written in academic style and in third person.


Spelling is correct.

Frequent spelling errors or misuse of homonyms, etc.

Spelling is generally error-free.