English writing

Further continuing on your Career Research piece, the following assignment is due in Blackboard's "Essay Dropbox" on Tuesday at the start of class. (The box will close at classtime.)

Bring a hard copy of the essay for peer review. (Don't miss the peer review session.)

Have fun with this. It's your future!

Here's a copy/paste from the document, and on Bb (Homework page) is the link to the document.

  1. For your Career Research “Comparison/Contrast” portion, proceed as follows:

  2. Name your major (or major/focus of interest) ___________________________

  3. Name the career field you are primarily interested in ________________________________

  4. Now, name an alternative career—one you wouldn’t mind pursuing if your primary career doesn’t manifest. Alternatively, look on https://www.bls.gov/ooh on the tab that says “Similar Occupations” and choose a second career.

Now, the fun part—comparing and contrasting these two career options

  • Note whether the education requirements differ for these two careers (contrast)—e.g., will you need additional education, training, licensing, and/or certification for either career? (Note: additional requirements should never be a deterrent for a career you plan to spend half of your life professing.) :)

  • Note the pay (contrast).

  • Note the “traits” useful/necessary for each career (contrast/compare).

Note other similarities/differences:

  • Job Availability (would you have to move?)

  • Job Outlook

  • Self-Satisfaction (what aspects of each career would you like/dislike?)

  • Work conditions (hours, days, OT, in/outdoors, formal/casual, leader/subordinate, etc.)


  1. There should be a minimum of seven (7) paragraphs (including intro/conclusion)

  2. You may follow the A B A B or A/B A/B A/B, or ½ A and ½ B formats.