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In the present age, the issue of relationship between the personality and job performance is increasingly disturbing. But in the meantime, whether personality is a key factor in determining how well an employee will perform their job has sparked much debate. Some people assert that people’s personality has played an important role in job performance, while many others argue that personality cannot determine the job performance. Personally, the former view is better.

Job performance assesses whether a person performs a job well. Job performance, studied academically as part of industrial and organizational psychology (the branch of psychology that deals with the workplace), also forms a part of human resources management. Performance is an important criterion for organizational outcomes and success. Personality is a set of individual differences that are affected by the development of an individual: values, attitudes, personal memories, social relationships, habits, and skills. In other aspect, personality is a key factor in determining how well an employee will perform their job. It affects the job you did well or bad, for example, you will do the job well if you are an active person, so you have position attitude to treat you job. On the contrary, if you have negative attitude at work and you will do the job worse.

Recently, people are no longer think highly of the intelligence quotientan increasing number people watching the emotional quotient, inversely. The primary factor that influencing the emotional quotient is personality. In the long period, personality and job performance are the hot topic in discussion.

In the research and application of human resource, the measurement of personality is an important tool for personal judgement and appointment all the time. Personality is the relatively stable set of characteristics that influence an individual's behaviour, and it also can help the manager predict whether this employee can do this job well. But, early research found that some kinds of personality make very weak effect on job performance, and it also lack prediction in job performance.

In consideration of lacking the prediction in job performance, researchers tend to use “big five”, which includes some important targets of early personal measurement, like individual behaviour. And some of the factors were provided if it can predict the job performance accurately.

The “big five” personality traits includes “Extraversion”, “Agreeableness”, “Conscientiousness”, “Emotional stability” and “Openness to experience”. Specifically, extraverted employees have the rich life in a large part. They like entering the social circle and even making contract with various people in any situation. Most of them are outgoing, generous and optimistic. Good personality could make advantages for the job performance, for example, an employee is outgoing and he is good at communicating with his boss, then the boss realizes his ability and promote him as a manager.

Besides, agreeable person is enthusiastic, helpful and reliable. This kind people always have high efficiency, because they have active attitude at work. They could help others in working or studying, like dealing with troublesome cases or answering difficult questions. So, this kind employees should be valued by their boss base on the active attitude toward work.

In addition, conscientious people is rigorous, impartial and duteous. This kind people do the job perfect all the time. When they meet some troubles at work, they always handle the problem carefully and seriously, rather than deal with the problem at random. For instance, an employee is very conscientious in doing his work, so his boss and comrades all have confidence in him. AT the same time, he could get admire from his boss or get promotion.

Moreover, emotional stable people is calm, self-confident and cool. They are good at control and manage their own emotion. They would not get anxiety, depression and weak easily. For example, an employee did not get great grades last month, but he did not feel upset. Then he analysed the problem he had and adjusted it to do the job better.

Furthermore, open people is imaginative, creative and curious. They are interested in everything. They also can find pleasure in work even though the work is boring. This kind people always come up with various ideas for the case, for example, an employee of advertising department can design many different concepts for a product.

In the research of the relationship between the “big five” and job performance. Although it was proved that the “big five” model can predict job performance in the career, but it has different effects in different career even though researchers have divergence in the result of prediction. So, many researchers pay attention to the moderator”.

“Barrick & Mount” research shows the prediction of personality for job performance are different in the disparate careers. They cannot make any responds without considering the influencing factors between the personality and job performance. Therefore, it is very important that the research of the “moderator” is significance to the relationship between the personality and job performance.

“Barrick & Mount” made research among the manager of the military management training of America, and the result shows that the prediction of conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness of “big five” for the relationship between the personality and job performance would improve with the increase of the autonomy. In other words, agreeableness has opposite effect in personality and job performance. In some way, because of volunteers are from army so the agreeableness is what army need.

Although the “16PF of Carte” questionnaire, the background information processing centre analysis the information and get the result after employees have done the questionnaire. This questionnaire shows the difference of personality among the high efficiency employees and low efficiency employees. Human resource department make analysis, observation and evaluation for the personality of employees through the “16PF” model. By collecting, analysing and evaluating the data, they can find common and difference of high efficiency and effective employees in personality.

Through six months of investigation, they got result that outgoing employees will get great grades, because this kind people is suit and action to the word, and they have passion and high efficiency at work. So, this kind people is positive. But introverted employees will get worse grades, because this kind people is too shy to convey their own opinion, so they might get low efficiency and miss some opportunities at work.

Base on the socioanalytic theory (Hogan, 1996), they realize that the motives to get ahead and get along closely intertwine with basic personality traits. And the assumption is that expressed in the personality traits of emotional stability, agreeableness, and conscientiousness are the key factors of motivation to get along, the motive to get ahead is expressed in the traits of extraversion and openness to experience.

An essential factor integrates emotional stability, agreeableness, and conscientiousness, and this indicates the motivate to get along with others. In general, employees with high ratings always appears positive predictable, and sensitive to others on this factor. The other factor integrates extraversion and openness to experience, and indicates the motive to get ahead of others. Employees with high ratings appear self-confident, ambitious, and striving for personal growth on this factor.

Because of the social interaction decides job performance in sales career, people’s social skill is an essential part of the socioanalytic perspective on performance prediction in these types of jobs. Hogan though the social skill is an arbitrator of the relationship between the motivate to get along and ahead and job performance evaluation. Through effectiveness or social skill, intentions can be transferred to get along and get ahead into actions that are rated and evaluated by others. In some way, the social skill can help people to achieve their goals, but there may be other social effectiveness competencies, like political skill, that can serve this key moderating role in the socioanalytic framework.

Many scholars have verified that people’s behaviour can reflect a proactive stance on the part of the employee. The results of these studies are rich, yet somewhat dizzying, assortment of constructs that describe the behaviors of proactive people. Crant (2000) has provided a useful comment of many of these streams of research, but no integrative theory has yet explained how these many variables may work together to predict the job performance.

In the early investigation of proactive employee behaviors, researchers found that active employees would make self-improvement through the feedback seeking. This research is more suitable for engaged in real estate employees, because they need the feedback from customers to make promotion for their job performance.

In addition to studies on behavioral manifestations of proactivity, other research found that the relationship between the link between proactive personality and performance. In administrative environments, for example, proactive personality may benefit employees' effectiveness because active employees may use their extensive social network to provide useful and accuracy information for themselves, and they also may increase the organisational effectiveness. The impact of proactive personality on the job performance by means of such tactics may not easily be measured by objective, quantifiable indices. Nevertheless, proactive personality may have a measurable impact on subjective evaluations of the job performance. In short, proactive personality will increase the job performance overlooks the interesting and critical behavioral tactics that act as mechanisms through which this relationship likely occurs.

Admittedly, personality is not a key factor in determining how well an employee will performance his job in a certain aspect. If an employee thought being happy at your job meant you’re a more productive worker, you’d be wrong. “A cause and effect relationship does not exist between personality and job performance, ” said Nathan Bowling, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology at Wright State University and author of the study. For example, an employee did his job well, maybe he got admire and motivation from his boss, and he redouble is effects to work. So, his job performance is relating to his mood but the personality.

Previous meta-analyses have confirmed that personality shows relevant correlations with job performance. The majority of studies in this area has been conducted using the well-known Big five model. Hogan and Shelton (1998) though that people usually feel more motivation and pleasure to work on what people can do best, and it is a good way to get along with others. People’s personality would not change by internal or external factors in a large part, so employee can get good job performance through other social skills if he has imperfect personality characteristics. For example, an employee from houses selling office, and if his personalities are shy, introverted and autistic so can he do his job well? The answer is “yes” in some way. Some people think houses selling employees must have outgoing or open personality, because they need these open social skills to deal with the customers. In other aspect, introverted employees can provide the completely information about the houses to the customers through their own way, like the prospectus, advertising brochures and PowerPoint. Therefore, personality and job performance are relevant, but it is not a key factor in determining the job performance.

Except for the personality, job performance is relating to various factors, like environment, weather, relationship with colleague and the boss’s temper. All of these elements can make effect on the job performance. Firstly, environment has a considerable influence on people’s job performance. Because people can work well in the good environment, for example, an employee would feel comfortable when his office is seated in the business building which located in the CBD, and he would see all of the city once he looks through the window. So, he feels comfortable and he would pay attention to his work. Secondly, weather is another Important element for job performance. People always feels happy in the sunny day, while feeling sad in the rainy day. For instance, the productivity issues don't just stop at the jobsite. Even in industrial and office environments there are productivity declines as temperatures rise. Research in the U.K. and the U.S. indicates performance of industrial workers was less effective at 75.2° F than at 68° F. Office workers exposed to the same temperatures showed a reduction of up to 40% to 50%. Research also indicates heat stress has less effect on women. So, the weather would make effect on the people’s job performance. Lastly, the social relation in the company is a relatively large element. In the workplace, the relationship among the boss or colleagues is pretty essential. If an employee can get along with his boss and colleagues, so he might get help from other when he faces troubles, and he would win recognition from his boss.

If said personality is incontrollable factor, so the social skill is educable by training. Although personality always makes important effects on people’s job performance, but it not an essential factor. Because people can do their job well through improving their social skills, like trying to reach out to people, expand own horizon of thinking and express themselves.

Having considered the respective merits of both views, personality plays an essential role in people’s job performance to a certain degree, and other elements plays supporting roles, like environment, weather and relationship. Because the way of people’s behaviour, thinking and speaking are influenced by the personality, directly. Therefore, personality is a key factor in determining how well an employee will perform their job.


  1. 刘玉凡 王二平 中国科学院心理研究所(北京)100101

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