Follow the instructions and write paper

Baesd on the shampoo “Gazania”, Write up a strategy for product to Go To Market. A go-to-market strategy is an action that specifies how a company will reach customers and achieve competitive advantage. Use the tools like SWOT analysis and Business Model Canvas. (Use tools to make what you want to express clearly) (cover every point listed in those two tools)

Format should look like below:

Goals & Objectives (Aim)

Identify your Strengths & Weaknesses

Identify your Opportunities & Threats

Discuss your strategy (Focus on pushing your strengths against your competitors or reducing risk of weaknesses against competitors.)

For example: if competitors have better brands than you, perhaps you will need to have a viral marketing campaign.

The key to making this a successful piece of writing is to have clear strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and address these by changing aspects of your business model canvas to best achieve your aim.(Do Not just list out SWOT and Canvas in a linear fashion).

Follow the instructions and write paper 1

Follow the instructions and write paper 2