Environment Protection Proposal

Proposal for Preventing Whaling in Iceland

Prepared for the government of Iceland &the Icelandic Tourist Council

Length: Approximately 10-12 pages, not including the title page or table of contents

The proposal has a persuasive focus, as it attempts to influence an audience to take some action: authorize a project, accept a service or product, or support a specific plan for solving a problem or making an improvement.

This proposal should contain FIVE main parts which are Executive Summary, Introduction, Plan, Conclusion and Work Cited.

INTRODUCTION should have Statement of a Problem, Background and review, Need, Benefits, Qualifications and Limitations and Contingencies.

PLAN should have Objectives and Methods, Expected Results and Feasibility.

CONCLUSION should have Summary and Request for Action.

The body should be TNR 12 pt. double-spaced, and should include a minimum of three graphics (tables, charts, line graphs, diagrams, etc.). The graphics must be cited appropriately if they are from another source. In addition to graphics, you may choose to incorporate infographics and/or photos within your proposal or in the Appendix section. Incorporate your research (5-10 high quality sources) with summary and quotations for support and credibility. One inch margins.