Marketing Plan: Consumer and Business Markets





Trintex Coffee Company

Identify which market your product or service is operating in, C2B, C2C, B2B, or B2C.

Trintex Coffee Company is a company that sells coffee products directly to consumers. Among the coffee products that they sell includes cold and hot drinks as well as chocolate that is combined with sandwiches and snacks. The market that the product operates in is B2C. B2C is Business-to-consumer marketing which means the best practices and tactics utilized by businesses in an effort to promote their goods or services to consumers (Hom, 2013). B2C has offered the company an effective medium for deliverance of important information and content deigned at educating prospects and also creating more demand among the target market, instead of just promoting the brand. Through visiting the company’s website, the clients will be able to view information about available products before deciding whether to purchase or not. Also by utilizing B2C marketing, Trintex coffee company will manage to attract more customers through displaying information on uniqueness of our products.

Identify and discuss the advantages of the company using its website to target a consumer or business market.

There are many benefits to the company for using its website to target a consumer. One advantage is that it gets increased business awareness since the internet has more than six billion users globally. Marketers can also manage to study competition easily since there are very many companies that utilize B2C marketing (Hom, 2013). The website utilization in an effort to target consumers is also beneficial since it will offer better interaction. Besides the website and email marketing, the company will also enjoy direct interaction with consumers through social media platforms. The website is also beneficial because it offers more improved services. This is because through B2C marketing, consumers will get a chance to ask direct questions or air their concerns with ease. The company on the other hand enjoys a better platform where it is able to inform its customers about vital information easily and fast. Lastly, the utilization of website by Trintex is advantage because they get to enjoy more refined messaging. The company will be able to access more precise information concerning their target consumers and therefore use the information to their advantage.

Two recommendations to improve the company’s presence in the B2C market

One way to improve the presence of a company in the B2C market is through diversifying online marketing. The company should build its brand awareness through creating website traffics and offering leads from many channels like email, social media, display ads and SEO. My second recommendation is that the company should be willing to share its vital information freely. Most of the buyers will warm up to the voluntarily information which later will yield to more sales (Tanner &Raymond, 2010).


Hom, E. J. (2013, August 28). What is C2B? Business News Daily. Retrieved from

Hom, E. J. (2013, August 27). What is B2B? Business News Daily. Retrieved from Attachments

Tanner, J. & Raymond, M. A. (2010). Principles of marketing. Retrieved from