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Professional Development Plan

Ella Michael

Walden University

EDUC 4001

Dr. Marsha Miller

What you know about child development and effective early childhood practice

The process of child development includes the psychological, biological, and the emotional changes that happen in human beings between the time that they are born and the end of adolescence. Child development is used to explain the changes that happen to individuals as they progress from dependency to increasing autonomy ("Habits of Mind: Behaving Intelligently Survey," n.d.). Generally, it is described as the continuous process that is always characterized by predictable sequence as well as having a unique course for every child as they grow. It is important to note that child development is not always the same to every child and every stage in the development is always affected by the preceding developmental experiences (Morrison, 2007).

It is also important to note that child developmental changes are always influenced by genetic factors as well as events that happen during prenatal life. As such, child development cannot be done effectively without looking at genetics and prenatal development. Effective early childhood practice defines all the programs that are developed for purposes of making our children to as they are expected while being offered with the right resources from the involved parties ("Habits of Mind: Behaving Intelligently Survey," n.d.). Effective early childhood practices are always developed to make sure that children effectively pass through all the stages of development effectively and appropriately without having any challenges. The practices are supposed to be developed based on the existing children care policies and any other related practice that may affect the wellbeing of children.

Knowledge, skills, and dispositions essential to quality professionals

There are a number of practices that are supposed to be extended by professionals as they carry out their professional duties. Additionally, there are a number of accepted skills, knowledge, and dispositions that are always acceptable to any professional who is termed as being a quality professional. For this case, the following professional dispositions should be applied.

Commitment to the children

Children-centered focus

The professional is supposed to be children-focused as indicated by the following behaviors. To start with, the professional is supposed to give opportunities for every children to develop and learn from the others. Additionally, they are expected to seek instructional strategies that offer opportunities for all children to develop appropriately and effectively ("Habits of Mind: Behaving Intelligently Survey," n.d.). Be in a position to make professional decisions with the focus of being the needs of the children and be in a position to identify the needs of the children and attend to all of them in a timely and effective manner.

Professional code of ethics

The professional is supposed to be aware of all the program policies as well as professional practices and be in a position to respond to the guidelines in the most appropriate way possible. He or she is supposed to be in a position to support the development and the growth of all the children for the sole purpose of creating as well as sustaining an informed democratic society (Morrison, 2007). They are also supposed to demonstrate some degree of commitment to safety in the children's developmental settings as well as offering the best effort in all children development programs.

Commitment to diversity

The professional is supposed to treat each children with equity, understand all the factors that contribute to diversity like race, class, gender, and sexual orientation as well as any privilege that may arise from the society.

Commitment to professionalism

Some of the important dispositions in this include the following: -


In this, some of the important behaviors to note include reflecting on and accurately evaluating their personal experiences and recognizing as well as addressing any difficulties or deficiencies in the services that they offer to the children (Morrison, 2008).


The professional should show how reliable they are when making important commitments to the children, turns all the required resources to the children on time, and be punctual as well as prepared to offer the children with the right training materials (Morrison, 2007).


Professionals are supposed to behave in a trustworthy and honest manner, adhere to all presented laws, and exercise sound professional judgment as well as keeping confidentiality of the information as appropriate to educational settings (Morrison, 2009).

Areas that Ineed to grow

There are a number of areas that need to be improved for purposes of offering the best services to the kids in question. One of the areas that I need to improve is in improving on how to deal with the emotions of the children as they come from different backgrounds and may have different upbringing thus having different ways to deal with their emotions (Morrison, 2007). The other area that I need to improve is the area of professional communication. Professional communication is important in that it will improve the way that Interact with the children and develop the best mechanisms to deal with the children as I try to develop them.

The other area that I need to develop is that of leadership in which I am supposed to work, as I might need to offer the right services to the children involved. It will also be important improve my leadership qualities for purposes of making sure that I am responsible for all the children who are placed under my authority (Morrison, 2009).

Job of Interest

The job that interest me the most is that of being an early childhood behavior specialist for preschool children. Some of the important job-related skills that I possess include being a good leader, having a good professional background and being a self-motivated leader. I also have the right skills to deal with all forms of behaviors with the students. On the other hand, some of the areas that I might need to work on include working on communications, and dealing with the emotions of the students (Morrison, 2008).


Habits of Mind: Behaving Intelligently Survey. (n.d.). Retrieved from 2tuDf0B3qvVxWw%3D

Morrison, G. S. (2007). Early childhood education today (10th ed., p. 19). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.

Morrison, G. S. (2008). Fundamentals of early childhood education (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.

Morrison, G.S. (2009). Early childhood education today (11th ed., p. 26). Upper Saddle River, NJ:Merrill.