physic lab report

Magnetic Fields

Magnetic Fields


In this lab we will create visual representation of magnetic fields in order to better understand them.


While magnetic fields cannot be seen, they can be observed indirectly because iron filings will line up along the field lines. Just as we did with the electric fields, we will develop a “picture” of the electric field in space, this time by using iron filings sprinkled into a magnetic field.


For this lab, we will be using a variety of shapes and sizes of magnets and shakers of iron filings. The magnet will be placed below a sheet of glass and/or a sheet of paper to prevent the iron filings from sticking to the magnets. The magnetic field is not affected by the presence of the paper or glass, so the field lines represented by the iron filings provide a reasonable representation of the magnetic field. Placing the paper “shiny side” up will improve the detail of the magnetic field representation as well as help in the clean-up.

Sketch the magnetic field lines (to scale) on a separate sheet of paper. Do the same thing for at least three individual magnets: a simple “bar magnet”, a “cow magnet” and a “horseshoe magnet”. Now place other materials into the magnetic field(s). Do other materials affect the magnetic field? If so, how? Does it matter what type of material is placed in the field? What about two magnets with overlapping fields?


Turn in your magnetic field diagrams with your lab report. (No calculations required!) Make observations on the shapes of your fields based on the shapes and placement of your magnets, other materials in the field and/or the interaction of two magnetic fields. Tell me something you learned about magnets or magnetic fields during the lab.

Lab Evaluation:

Pease provide feedback on the following areas, comparing this lab to your previous labs: How much fun you had completing this lab; How well the lap prep period explained this lab; The amount of work required compared to the time allotted; Your understanding of this lab; The difficulty of this lab; How well this lab tied in with the lecture. Please assign each of the listed categories with a value from 1-5, with 5 being the best, 1 the worst. Comments supporting or elaborating on your assessment can also be very helpful in improving the future labs.

Date Last Modified March 07, 2011 Page Number 2