ch 4,5,6 persuasion

O’Keefe, Persuasion: Theory and Research, Third Edition

Chapter 4 – Belief base models of attitude Name: __________________________________

Discussion Questions:

  1. Think about the issue of binge drinking among college students. What are some of the salient beliefs that you think contribute to students’ attitudes about binge drinking?

  1. One of the strategies proposed by the summative model is to changing one’s evaluation of a belief or convincing a person that the likelihood of their belief being true is more or less likely. Imagine a person has a strong belief that being tan is attractive and therefore has an attitude that tanning beds are good. What are some ways you might try to change that belief?

  1. Think about a social issue that has been talked about a lot in the news lately such as same sex marriage or immigration reform. What are some of the salient beliefs people may hold that influence their attitudes about the issue?

  1. What are some methods one can use to determine the salient beliefs of your target audience?