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Workouts to Take To the Beach

Nicholas Grinde

RTM 303

Thursday, March 9th, 2017

Workouts To Take To The Beach

In honor of the warm temperatures and the sunny days, it is the perfect time to take things outside. Why not head straight to the shoreline to work out on your beach body? During the summer days of the year, the Miami Beach in the United States stands up as the perfect place to go for vacation and strengthen the muscles as one will have a more challenging time while training on the sand. This is the moment to go away from your trainer and gym. Before surrendering to the beachfront barbeques and the summer sun, it is crucial to utilize the surrounding space as it can supplement an extensive workout. The exercises are performed without any supportive equipment, but with the challenges, the beach environment can provide.

According to the University of Miami Hurricanes Men’s Basketball team, the workouts can be designed within the sunny shores by combining anaerobic fitness and strength. The need for workouts at the beach is heightened by the fact that obesity is identified by the WHO as a global epidemic. Significantly, the world health organization has listed physical inactivity as one of the driving factors to the escalation of the condition. Thus beach workouts provide an exciting event for initiating physical exercise within the society. The activities commence with a warm-up that is deemed necessary purposefully to increase blood flow and oxygen to the muscles. This aspect enhances flexibility, decreases injury, and fatigue. Warm ups are conducted in 10-20 reps each, squat to stand, push-ups, side plank 30 seconds each, lateral lunge and hip bridge 30 seconds each. The activity of followed by strength training, an action that provides stimulus to the muscles. This type of workout keeps an individual’s strength levels and fitness tuned. Strength training entails; squats 1x20, Push-ups 1x10, Lunges 1x10 each leg, Sit-up 1x40, Toe Raises 1x20, Scissor Kicks 1x40, Wave Squat 1x20 and Single Leg Hip Extensions 2x10. The sand provides a compelling environment that not only challenges the nervous system but also adds resistance. While conducting conditioning, individuals will feel added difficulty in the first round of reps. Conditioning will entail sprinting in the sand 5 yards then back to the start, then 15 yards, then 20 yards covering a total of 50 yards. This should be done in less than 30 seconds. The activity is repeated with backpedaling in between the sprints. The piggyback rides is a vital activity in the form of workouts. One partner to jump on the back of the other and head into the waves as far as one can for 3-5 reps.

The warm-ups, strength training, conditioning and piggyback rides function as efficient workout activities. Significantly, working out on the sand ads on resistance, irrespective of the exercise activity. This is an opportunity to sweat out while on vacation. Additionally, this is a natural choice for outdoor workouts whereby the whole body is conditioned without the need of any equipment’s.

Jim Krumpos is the conditioning and strengthening coach for University of Miami Hurricanes Men’s Basketball team. He is a graduate of Arizona, with the background studying in physical education, physiology and has a master’s degree from UNC Charlotte.


Workouts to Take To the Beach