Research Paper

Surname, 8

Annotated Bibliography

Annotation 1:

Abella, Scott R. "A Systematic Review Of Wild Burro Grazing Effects On Mojave

Desert Vegetation, USA". Environmental Management, vol. 41, no. 6, 2008, pp. 809-819. Springer Nature, doi:10.1007/s00267-008-9105-7.

The author of the article is from Public Lands Institute and School of Life Sciences, University of Nevada Las Vegas. This is a book which analyzes the effects of while burros on the environment. From the book, the origin of Burros is traced back to the precolonial times when they were transported from Africa condiment by the ancient explorers to assist with mining processes in America. With the introduction of technology and the rise of other methods of transportation, there was a reduced need of these wild Burros in the mining sector, the animals were released or in other cases, they escaped into the Wild environments. With low predator numbers, these animal population grew uncontrollably to their present large numbers. These animals have caused a lot of damage to the environment and the ecology in large. This is through the destruction of soil causing erosion and increased desertification in the desert parts of the country. The book gives a suggestion to the government to find a way of controlling the population of these animals to conserve the environment. Another factor which is highlighted here is that the comparison of the destruction caused by these animals on the restricted area and the importance to national heritage. The author outlines the importance of population control and of the conservation of environment. The author originates from the affected parts of the US and is using the knowledge of the impacts which arise as a result of presence of these animals to justify the need of population control. From the book, we learn the importance of population control and maintenance of a balance in the ecological environment.

Annotation 2:

Davenport, John, and T. Adam Switalski. "Environmental Impacts Of Transport, Related To

Tourism And Leisure Activities." The ecology of transportation: Managing mobility for the environment, Springer Netherlands, 2006, pp. 333-360.

The author is a professor at the department of zoology, ecology, and plant science at the University College Cork in Ireland. This book explains the impacts of modern transportation on the environment. It also speaks on how increased tourism and leisure affects the environment generally. From this book, one can learn on the impacts of water overuse and changes in the modes of transport and how they affect the way people live and the way the environment. With increased leisure modes of transport, there is increased pollution by vehicle, airplane and all other forms of transport. This means that the environment will be polluted, so plants and animals will be at a risk due to lack of clean air. Another fact that comes out in this book is the uncontrolled tourist activities. This is whereby there is poor regulation of tourist activities leading to careless treatment of the of the environment by tourists. In this case, the government which is responsible should work and ensure that the rules and regulations on conservation of the environment are adhered to by everyone regardless. An example of such cases is whereby tourists dispose of their garbage carelessly without a care for the host's environment. In this case, the government should come up with policies which should govern the tourist interactions with the environment. The author is focusing his or her mind towards the environmental authorities to make sure that they bring in regulation to govern tourist behavior. From this, it is easy for one to develop an appreciation for the environment we live in and engage in conservation activities such as proper disposal of garbage and cosiderate use of water.

Annotation 3:

McLain, Rebecca et al. "Gathering In The City: An Annotated Bibliography And Review Of

The Lit." Digitalcommons.Ursinus.Edu, 2012,

The authors, McLain, Rebecca is a Research Assistant Professor at Institute for Sustainable Solutions in Portland State University and studies the effects of forest management practices on human and natural communities. This is a paper talks about the interaction between human and plantations in urban centers. In big cities in countries like US and Canada, there has been an observation that has been seen trending. This is whereby groups have started gathering and planting trees in some parts of the town. The trees are not mainly timber forest plants but are non-timber ones. This is done to make sure that there is circulation of fresh air and also to increase positive human-plant relationship in the air exchange. Another purpose is to make sure that there is beauty in the urban centers. According to the source however, there has been a long fight back by other groups who do not believe in these initiatives and their main objective is to make sure that there are spaces are left for other functions. Or rather, they do not see the constructive impacts of having tree gatherings in towns and cities, so they are fighting to stop such moves by these groups from happening. The Author of this source hails from an urban area and is determined in changing the urban environment to accommodate changes and to make sure of increased productivity and human-plant relations. It also tries to bring in recommendations to the relevant governmental authorities to bring in a lasting solution. This encourages us to take care of the environment by planting more trees and fighting off opposition to such practices.

Annotation 2:

Ouren, Douglas S., et al. Environmental Effects Of Off-Highway Vehicles On Bureau Of

Land Management Lands: A Literature Synthesis, Annotated Bibliographies, Extensive Bibliographies, And Internet Resources. Open-File Report. 1st ed., USGS, 2007,

The article was written by members of the USGS that is US Geological Survey.

This is another paper which talks about the effects of urbanization and off-highway vehicles on the environment. This focuses mainly on the impacts which are caused by off highway vehicles on the environment. From this book readers learn that with growth in technology and increased regulations on the highway authorities, there is an increase in number of vehicles which are off the highway implying an increase in pollution in the no highway parts. This causes the pollution of water sources, land meant for agriculture, and other farming resources . Due to erosion of land, expulsion of exhaust gases and so on. All this factors cause a disturbance in the ecosystem whereby animals and plans will be killed if they fail to adopt to the changed environment. Another thing which can happen is that there will be decreased agricultural productivity as there is pollution of the land and also increased soil erosion killing the productivity level. From this book, the author seems to come from an agricultural background and has seen over the years the developing changes in the environment. This has prompted him to write a book which will also give recommendation to the lands management authorities to ensure that there is reduced pollution and destruction of the land by off-highway vehicles. From this book, we can learn to conserve our environment by use of environmentaly friendly vehicles and building of structure that reduce soil erosion.

Annotation 4:

Richter, Brian D. et al. "A Collaborative And Adaptive Process For Developing

Environmental Flow Recommendations". River Research And Applications, vol 22, no. 3, 2006, pp. 297-318. Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/rra.892.

The author of the article is from the department of ecology in the University of Georgia. This is a book which analyzes the steps which should be taken in restoring a natural water resource and making sure that there is sanity and restoration in rivers. In this case, the paper tries to bring out recommendations on what should be done in order to make sure that there is reduced pollution and also for polluted rivers, the rivers should be brought back to their initial condition in which it supports its ecosystem fully. This book also tries to bring out recommendations to environmentalists, societies to find out the positive impacts which come out with restoration of water bodies and making them support life again. The Author is an environmental expert and based on that background, he tries to use his knowledge to bring restoration to polluted water sources and ecosystem. The steps which he proposes are as follows, the first step according to him is to make an orientation meeting to familiarize all who are involved in the restoration program on the importance and the nature of the environment. The second thing is to make sure that there are enough work shop facilities to enable the process go through successfully and finally, the process should be started. This book is an excellent source of reference which all should use in drawing information to make a restoration process successful without further application of other knowledge. The book lets us in on the ways we can use to conserve our sources of water and thus enable acquatic life in the waters to continue to survive. It also encourages us to engage in activities to clean up our water sources which have been polluted and thus return them to their initial condition.


The articles on ecology and environmental protection were really eye opening. I got to understand the problem that is often the topic of discussion in most forums. From the articles, I got to understand the various forms of environmental hazards and I also understood that to solve an environmental problem, you have to know the causes.

I also got to know the impacts of environmental degradation and from the articles I have read, I am positive I will be an ambassador of ecological and environmental protection throughout my life.