week5 work

Hi, it’s Michelle from the Writing Center. Students, you have now reached the end point of the class, which means you will be revising and submitting your final literary analysis essay. This assignment requires you to focus on analyzing the conflict portrayed in literature. By writing and analyzing literature, you not only gain a deeper understanding of it, but you practice your critical thinking skills. In Week Three of the class, you wrote your rough draft analyzing a conflict. This week , you will develop and revise this draft to create a final essay . Be sure to review your draft, as well as your instructor and peer comments, before you revise it. Here are some key features of the assignment: ● Th e literary analysis should be organized around your thesis or argument, which is the controlling idea of the entire essay. ● Your essay should a nalyze a work or works from the approved List of Literary Works. A link to that list is provided in the assignm ent overview in Weeks 3 and 5. ● You will u se one of the approved written assignment prompts to write your analysis. The links to these prompts are also provided in the assignment overview in Week 3 and Week 5. ● In your analysis, you will focus on one or two primary text(s). ● Be sure to include references from at least two secondary sources. If you need help finding those sources, contact an Ashford Librarian. They are experienced with this course and can help you find the appropriate sources. ● Be sure to use direct quotes from your research and from the story or poem you are analyzing. Citing sections from the literature will help you support and/or clarify your argument. ● Your essay should also include a discussion of some literary elements as part of its analysis . ● In most academic writing, you should avoid the first person and second person point of view. Instead, use the third person point of view. You can visit the Ashford Writing Center to get more information on how to use the third person point of view. ● And the last bit of advice: do not summarize the plot. You should assume your reader already knows the story. Only provide details about the plot if it ties into your analysis. I hope this helps you to understand the assignment better. You are always free to ask your instructor about how to do this assignment. Do not hesitate to do so! Good luck with your writing.