physics report for lab (collisions)

1. Header (5 points)


● The name of the lab

● Your name

● Your partners’ names

● Your lab instructor’s name and T.A. name

● The submission date

2. Abstract (10 points)

This should be a short statement, no more than 3 or 4

sentences, that summarizes the lab. Please include:

● The purpose of the lab

● Any major concepts/laws discussed or tested

● The results you found (numbers, affirmations, etc.)

3. Introduction (20 points)

Introduce the theory/concepts behind the testing, what was

being tested, and a subsection containing all equations

used in the experiment​. Number the equations​ so they

may be referenced in your “Results” section.

4. Procedure/Methods (15 points)

In your own words and in full sentences, please list all the

steps necessary to conduct this experiment. You must use

at least one figure ​in your report, so consider using it here

to visually demonstrate part of the procedure. Do not copy

the procedure in the manual word for word​.

5. Results (20 points)

This is where all of your recorded data, answers to

equations, and graphs, charts, and diagrams will go. Each

equations used needs at least one referenced sample

calculation. ​Do not discuss your data here, as this is merely

the section where it clearly needs to be portrayed to the


6. Discussion, Data Analysis, and Conclusion (25 points)

Discuss the results in detail here. Do not just say WHAT

the answer is, but WHY it is and HOW it relates to the

concept being tested. Answer all assigned questions in