
Mahmoud Alhujayri

Professor Wesemann

AV 4720


Collision of Aeronaves De Mexico

On August 1986, about 1152 Pacific daylight time, de Mexico, flight 498, a DC-9-32, Mexican Registration XA-JED, and a Piper PA-28-181, United tates Registration collided over Cerritos, California. Flight 498, a regularly scheduled passenger flight, was on an Instrument Flight Rules flight plan from Tijuana, Mexico, Angeles International Airport, California. The Piper was not in radio contact with any air traffic control facility when the accident occurred. The AR-l controller advised flight 498 that there was Traffic, ten o’clock, one mile, northbound, altitude unknown Flight 498 acknowledged the advisory, but it never advised the controller that it had sighted the “traffic ‘. (This radar target was not that of the Piper PA-28.). the AR-l controller asked the flight to reduce its airspeed to 190 KIAS and cleared it to descend to 6,000 feet. The controller told the flight to hold what you have . . . and we have a change in plans for him. The AR-1 controller advise flight 498 to “expect the ILS runway two four right approach . . .” ‘498 did not acknowledge receipt of this message, and the radio transmission was the Iast known communication received from flight 498.

After flight 498 was cleared to descend to 6,000 feet, the pilot of a Grumman Tiger airplane, N1566R, contacted the AR-l controller. Grumman pilot informed the controller that he was on a VFR flight from Fullerton to Monterey, California. his requested en route altitude was 4,500 feet, and that he would like ATC flight following services. The AR-l controller did not answer this transmission until when he requested the pilot to set his transponder to code 4524, a discrete transponder code within the 4500 series used by approach control for VFR flights. The AR-l controller told the Grumman pilot that he was in the middle of the TCA and suggested that “in the future you look at your TCA chart. You just had an aircraft pass right off. your left above you at five thousand feet and we run a lot of jets through there right at thirty-five hundred.”. At about 11:52, flight 498 and the Piper collided over Cerritos, California, at an altitude of about 6,560 feet. Both airplanes fell within the city limits of Cerritos. 58 passengers and 6 crewmembers on flight 498 were killed as were the pilot and 2 passengers on the Piper.

In conclusion, this article will help me to know what happened in that accident. There are no further questions need to be answered in that article. in my paper I will have to part, in the first part I will use this article because this article talked about the accident.
