
Mahmoud Alhujayri

Professor Wesemann

AV 4720


Before we take a look at the key points of this particular article, the article itself talks of the repercussions or simply the reforms that were derived and drawn from the deadly 1986 Cerritos mid-air collision.

1. Among the highlights that this article addresses include changes such as the FAA requirements that all aircraft that fly within 30 miles of the primary airports so that transponders can be activated. This will allow radio contact in a situation whereby air traffic control contact occurs. Again, this article streamlines that there is a need to implement systems crucial for alerting air-traffic controllers regarding the potential conflicts of aircraft. Besides, the article talks about establishing dedicated routes as well as consolidation of air-traffic controllers to track all airplanes.

2. In relationship to the selected topic, both the article and the topic talks of the way midair collision or accidents have been reduced due to strategies and reforms put in place to curb the same. For instance, whereas the topic employs the use of TCAS avoidance system, the article employs the use of automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast among many other control systems.

3. Some of the other questions that need to be answered in regard to this midair collision and the ones that the article has failed to answer include; was the cause of the accident more of pilots' fault of the PA-28 than the system shortcomings of ATC in the topic? Is there a way TCAS could have done to help alert the crew in AeroMexico DC-9 that coming down the altitude could have avoided it coming into contact with the small twin-engine plane?

4. This article applies to my paper in that it not only reveals the causes or problems associated with this midair collision but the same article manage to recommend the solutions or reforms that need to be employed to reduce such accidents. And indeed, the number of such accidents has decreased by the greatest percentage.

5. Eventually, my reflection on the topic based on reading this particular article is that the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) alone should not be left to handle the air transport accidents. This is an issue that calls for joint support from all aviation stakeholders that will ensure that ignoring the complexities of the aircraft has been dealt with accordingly. The companies also mandated to build new planes with in and out-built new technologies, should be working under strict laws so that cases of wretched aircraft manufactured will be effectively handled.



  2. United States. (1987). Collision of Aeronaves De Mexico, S.A., McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32, XA-JED and Piper PA-28-181, N4891F, Cerritos, California, August 31, 1986. Washington, DC: The Board.