case studies for marketing

Case Study Paper : General Requirements, Analysis, Research & Writing Mechanics Criteria Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Below Expectation Limited Evidence General Requirements 30% The paper contains a minimum of 2,0 00 words excluding cover page, references and any third - party materials. Paper is correctly formatted as a memo . 25 - 30% The paper contains 1,75 0 – 1,999 words excluding cover page, references and any third -party materials. Paper may or may not be correctly formatted as a memo . 20% - 24 % The paper contains 1,500 – 1,749 words excluding cover page, references and any third -party materials. Paper may or may not be correctly formatted as a memo. 15% - 19 % The paper contains under 1,500 words excluding cover page, references and any third -party materials. Paper may or may not be correctly formatted as a memo. 0% - 14 % Analysis 40% Ten or more distinct class concepts are clearly identified and applied. Evidence is provided and a nalysis is presented logically. Case study topic is clearly defined upfront and memo ends with conclusion of whether marketing effort will be successful or not. 35 - 40% Eight or nine distinct class concepts are clearly identified and applied. Most of the e vidence and analysis are presented logically. Case study topic is clearly defined upfront and memo ends with conclusion of whether marketing effort will be successful or not. 30% - 34% Six or seven distinct class concepts are clearly identified and applied. Some of the e vidence and analysis are presented logically. Case study topic may be clearly defined upfront and memo may end with conclusion of whether marketing effort will be successful or not. 25% - 29% Less than six distinct class concepts a re poorly identified and applied. Case study topic may be clearly defined upfront and memo may end with conclusion of whether marketing effort will be successful or not. 0% - 24% Research 15 % Cites and integrates at least ten credible sources. Sources are correctly cited, evaluated and quoted within the paper and at the end . 20 % Cites and integrates eight or nine credible sources. Majority of sources are correctly cited, evaluated and quoted within the paper and at the end . 17 - 19 % Cites and integrates six or seven credible sources. Majority of sources are correctly cited, evaluated and quoted within the paper. 11 % - 16 % Cites and integrates less than six credible sources . Sources are correctly cited, evaluated and quoted within the paper. 0-10% Writing Mechanics 10% Strong sentence and paragraph structure; few or no minor errors in grammar and spelling; appropriate writing style; clear and concise. 10% Small number of significant but not major errors in grammar and spelling; generally appropriate writing. 8-9% Inconsistent writing style ; work needed on grammar and spelling; does not meet program expectations. 5-7% Poor quality; unacceptable in terms of grammar and/or spelling; inappropriate writing style that interf eres with clarity. 0-4% Plagiarism Quiz 5% Student successfully completed quiz and scored a minimum of 8/10 on time. 5% Student did no complete quiz and/or did not score a minimum of 8/10 on time. 0-4% THIS PAPER MUST BE THE STUDENT’S OWN WORK. THE USE OF ANY MATERIAL THAT IS NOT THE STUDENT ’S OWN WORK, INCLUDING UNREFERENCED WORK TAKEN FROM AND/OR PURCHASED FROM ANOTHER SOURCE, CAN RESULT IN A GRADE OF 0 IN ADDITION TO ANY ACTION THAT MAY BE TAKEN BY THE SCHOOL.