Culture And Intelligence Comparison

Running head: Cultural And Intelligence Comparison 3

Cultural And Intelligence Comparison

Katherine Irizarry Rosario

Capella University

Dustin Williams

April 16, 2017


Intelligence is the ability to gain, learn, understand and apply skills and knowledge. This term can cover diverse area of concepts. Gardner has identify seven different distinct intelligence such as spatial, Bodily kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Linguistic and Logical mathematical. The intelligence of every individuals differed from the area of each person’s intellect they excel. Every culture is different and it has different views regarding to intelligence. In this paper we are going to study the cultural and intelligence concept between two different cultures. I will analyze the application of Interpersonal, linguistic and Bodily kinesthetic in between the individuals from the continent of North America and South America.

Description of Gardner Intelligence selected

Individuals with interpersonal intelligence tend to be leaders among their peers, they are good communicators and know how to understand other individuals feelings. Students with linguists intelligence love to read, write have good memory. Bodily kinesthetic involved the use of the element of body language and solving problems, they are very creative and know to convey Ideas and emotions.
