Final Research Essay for Dr. Smith Harvey

Part one

Section one:

  1. General category: Gun related violence

  2. Specific subject: Gun violence in Canada

  3. Particular focus: I will focus on recent gun related violence in Canada as well as the gun laws and trends in comparison with the United States of America.

Section two:

  1. General category: Gun related violence

  2. Specific subject: Gun violence is a social problem

  3. Particular focus: I will focus on determining the major contributors to Gun violence in Canada and their relations to the social life of Canadians including their possible solutions.

Section three:

  1. General category: Gun related violence

  2. Specific subject: Gun violence and Gun regulations

  3. Particular focus: I will focus on the current gun laws and regulations in Canada to contain the escalating gun related violence and possibly other solutions to the social problem.

Part two


Bright, A. (2014, October 22). Ottawa parliament shooting: what are Canada's gun laws? Christian Science Monitor. Web. Mar. 5, 2017. Retrieved from <>

Dube, R. Cook. (3 Jan. 2006). Canada struggles to deal with increasing gun-related violence. USA Today. (p.06A). Web. Mar. 5, 2017. Retrieved from <>

Overton, I. (16 Apr. 2016). Canada Has a Gun Problem - and Here's Why. The Globe and Mail, Web. Mar. 5, 2017. Retrieved from <>

U.S.'s new steps on gun control. (2013, August 30). Record [Kitchener, Ontario], p. A8. Web. Mar. 5, 2017. Retrieved from <>