English Assignment "Annotated Bibliography"

Running head: TITLE OF PAPER (DO NOT EXCEED 50 CHARACTERS) 1 The running head is a shortened version of the paper’s full title, and it is used to help readers identify the titles for published articles (even if your paper is not intended for publication, your paper should still have a running head). Title of the Paper Student Name Columbia Southern University The title should summarize the paper’s main idea and identify the variables under discussion and the relationship between them. The author’s name and institution should be double -spaced and centered. The title should be centered on the page, typed in 12 - point Times New Roman Font. It should not be bolded, underlined, or italicized. Blue boxes contain directions for writing and citing in APA style. Since this is a Review of Literature with the reference listed above the summary, only page numbers are needed for quoted material. Please check with profess ors for preferences on using direct quotes. Green text boxes contain explanations of APA style guidelines. TITLE OF PAPER (DO NOT EXCEED 50 CHARACTERS) 2 Title of the Paper Etherington, M. (2008). E-Learning pedagogy in the primary school classroom: T he McDonaldization of education, Australian Journal of Teacher Education , 33 (5), 3, 1 -48 . Etherington describes the dehumanization of primary students as a direct result of online pedagogy. He goes on to illustrate the potential problems that will stem from this: “isolation, lack of community and decreased socialization of its learners….repetitive stress injuries, eyestrain, obesity, and social isolation ” (p. 43). His research also notes that human advancement led them to crea te better technology. This technology led humans to become reliant on machines solely, which in its brilliance demands social isolation. “When a child gets on their computer….there is no sense of a physical connection – there is only a mask that lies on to p of a set of computer instructions ” (p. 34) . Further research indicated that if a teacher were absent from the classroom, but were elsewhere conducting an interactive activity, the children would not only leave the computer, but would have no interest in the computer during this activity. Lahey, B. B. (2007). Psychology : An introduction (9th ed.). Chicago , IL: McGraw -Hill Companies . In this book, psychology is defined as “the science o f behavior and mental processes ” (p. 5). Further , it breaks down the ter ms that define psychology, and how they are used to accomplish the goals of psychology. Science is the act of “psychologists attempt[ing] to understand people through careful, controlled observation ” (p. 5). Behavior is considered any direct action that ca n be observed. Mental processes are any “private thoughts, emotions, feelings, and motives that others cannot directly observe ” (p. 5). Additionally, this book goes into detail regarding the “nature versus nurture” debate, Notice the header and page numbers on this page. The actual words Running head are not on any other pages after the first page. The full title of the paper is repeated here and centered. Notice the header and page numbers on this page. The actual words Running head are not on a ny other pages after the first page. In the Annotated Bibliography the references are listed in alphabetical order with the summary following. The references are formatted with a hanging indent. The summary will be formatted with a block indention and also be indented. Pay close attention to the indentions. Notice the only in -text needed is page #s for direct quotes. TITLE OF PAPER (DO NOT EXCEED 50 CHARACTERS) 3 This is how you cite a secondary source. It shows that Mead was q uoted in a book by Macionis. This is how to use Mead’s quote and still give credit to Macionis, who is the author of the book.

Notice the placement of the author and year and the page number after the quote . in which two researchers studied the effects of early social deprivation on monkeys by taking a group of infant monkeys and raising them for the first few months of life in isolation. The monkeys were then introduced to other monkeys, and later placed in breeding cages. “It was then that the Harlows noticed that the social, sexual, and emotional behavior of these monkeys was distinctly abnormal ” (p. 319). Their research was further proven by the birthing of baby monkeys. Macionis, J. J. (2009). Society the basics (10t h ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. This book defines socializatio n from an industry perspective: “s ociologists use the term socialization to refer to the lifelong social experience by which people develop their hu man potential and learn culture ” (p. 72). Further, this book states that “humans need social experience to learn their culture and to survive” (p. 72). According to Mead (as cited in Macionis, 2008), who developed social behaviorism and the central concept of self , “the sel f develops only with social experience” (p. 77). Socialization is also critical ly enhanced by children attending scho ol. In school, they begin to recognize cultural, racial, social, and gender differences. During this time, c hildren also begin to form peer groups, which permit “escape [from] direct supervision of adults” (p. 81) and they first begin to learn to establish relationships outside the family. Also, this book illustrates the physical manifestations that can result from a lack of socialization: be come “more passive, less physically fit, less likely to use imagination ” (p. 82). Nevid, J. S., Rathus, S. A., & Greene, B. (2009). Abnormal psychology in a changing world (Custom ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Prentice Hall. TITLE OF PAPER (DO NOT EXCEED 50 CHARACTERS) 4 Avoidant personality disorder (similarly, social phobias ), increased proneness to phobias : terrified of rejection and criticism that they are generally unwilling to enter relationships. As a result, they do not often have close relationships outside their family. Separation -individuat ion: a process by which children learn to “differentiate their own identities from their moth ers ” (p. 456). This can create a personality disorder in an adult who has not been socialized outside the home and lead to separation anxiety . This type of anxiety could lead to a borderline personality disorder in which people are not overly confident about their personal characteristics, leading to feelings of emptiness and boredom. Additionally, there are several communication disorders that can develop in children who are not taught how to properly enunciate and articulate different letters, from expressive language disorder, mixed receptive/expressive language disorder, and phonol ogical disorder, to stuttering. Ross, W. E. (2000). The promise and perils of E -learning: A critical look at the new technology. Theory and Research in Social Education , 28 (4), 482 -492. To put into perspective the current popularity of online learning, Ross indicates that “over 85% of Fortune 500 companies use remote training” (p. 482). Additionally, Ross’s research has found that while some high schools have already converted to the online format, in Pennsylvania, there is “currently a proposal for a cy ber -school that would enroll c hildren as young as 5 years old ” (p. 482). Adults might be able to see how destructive that is, but in Toronto, the Wired Culture Forum was hosted in which more than 400 high school students expressed concern regarding technol ogy taking over their lives – an increasing reliance on machines, the internet isolating them individually , and “how technology threatens their privacy and ability to relate to others ” (p. 483) . This is TITLE OF PAPER (DO NOT EXCEED 50 CHARACTERS) 5 especially disconcerting because, adults might be expect ed to notice an effect like this, but as humanity continues to evolve, the younger generation (high school students) is beginning to notice the possibility of the dangerous effects of primary children bein g left to teach themselves in a fully online environment.