
Self introduction speech 5

Self introduction speech


Institutional Affiliation


  1. Attention getter: Has any one of you gone through a situation that totally changed your perspective about life?

  1. Relation to the audience: I believe that most if not all have had instances that changed their views, perception and also their opinions about different things in life. I particularly went through an experience that changed my perspective about life.

111. Through the line of the speech, I will discuss how an incident in a recent trip to Vietnam totally changed my perception about life and has made me a better person since then.

1. Main Point. How a recent visit to Vietnam changed my life

A. In a recent trip to Vietnam, an incident happened which completely changed my perspective about life. I came across a small scale trader who was selling portraits that had been painted by hand and out of pity or rather sympathy, I decided to buy the paint in spite of the fact that I did not require it. Since she was carrying a baby on her back, I decided to buy her some oranges for the baby but all the other vendors surrounded me since they all wanted an orange. I found out that I had already handed all the oranges to the vendors but the gesture only warmed my heart rather than irritate me. I was overjoyed by the fact that I was able to put smiles on their faces and thereby changing my perspective about life.

1. First of all the incident taught me to be caring since the kind of gesture towards the vendors taught me that there are certain individuals who lack the basic things that are easily affordable and it is always pivotal to remember those who do are underprivileged in the society. The incident therefore reignited a caring attitude in me and I learnt to always care for those who do not have.

11. Visit to a few villages in the South of Vietnam

A. I learnt to appreciate the appreciate the simple things in life

1. My trip to South of Vietnam made me to appreciate the simple things that we often take for granted. In the developed world, almost every child has access to toys and electronics that they often break when angry. The fact that there were many children who could not afford these things and some who have never seen some of the things that we enjoy in the developed world made me to start appreciating the small things in life. I started appreciating all my possessions cognizant of the fact that there are children and adults who lack access to what we consider basic. I therefore undertook to protect and safeguard everything that I owned since there are people somewhere who lack access to most of the things we have in the developed world.

B. I learnt to be content and happy of my life

1. The fact that there are children in this world who are content with a humble and simple lifestyle in spite of the fact that they lack access to most of the basic needs that we enjoy in the developed world made me to appreciate during good times and during bad times. The fact that children could enjoy playing without access to toys and electronics changed my perspective about life and I realized that we can indeed enjoy life, even without most of the earthly possessions. It therefore taught me that we can choose to be happy even through harsh economic times. The lack of earthly things should not dampen our perspective about life.

111. Doing many activities on my own

A. Gave me a sense of independence

1. The fact that I had to do all my chores individually for instance making food, washing clothes and putting up tents developed a sense of independence since I could do many things on my own even without access to basic necessities for instance electricity and water. Sleeping alone through cold nights also improved my independence and thereby enabling me to become a better person.

B. Widened the horizons of my experience

1. My horizons were expanded by the fact that I could trek for long distances and also engage in numerous outdoor activities. This increased my creativity and improved my communication skills, my thinking and also made me a risk taker.


  1. Transition Signal: The experience was indeed important for my life since it improve my perspective about life and also improved my skills.

11. Summary of main points: The trip changed my perspective and also values about life. I began appreciating most of what I thought was basic but unknown to me that they were luxuries for instance showers, air conditioning and also access to running water. It therefore reduced my ignorance on issues and I started appreciating most of the things that I have. I will therefore organize trips in the near future in order to take children from developed countries to other parts of the world as it will change their values and perspective about life.