need an a on week 2 assignment


Your have written a thoughtful proposal. You are well on your way to thinking analytically about Alexie's story. Developing a clearer thesis statement will be a critical step in writing a successful analysis. Here are some links that should prove helpful to you:

  • Thesis Statements Overview

  • Thesis Statement (Video Tutorial)

  • Prompt to Thesis Handout

  • Thesis Generator

As you continue to develop your paper, any research you do should be very valuable in helping you refine your thesis and develop your ideas. Please be sure to review the comments I included on your paper for additional feedback and suggestions. As always, let me know if you have questions.

Pat L

Please note: Since your submission is one day late, 10% will be deducted from your grade.

( 0.88 / 1.00) Articulate Interest in the Choice of Topic From the Approved List of Prompts

Proficient - Mostly articulates interest in the choice of topic from the approved list of prompts. Provides details about how the topic interests the student.  Minor details are slightly underdeveloped.


You selected an approved prompt that centers on a specific kind of literary analysis.  You might review the topic thoroughly so that you develop a clear, focused analysis based on the topic. 

( 1.76 / 2.00) Identify a Text and Explain the Connection Between the Literary Work and Chosen Topic

Proficient - Identifies a specific literary work as directed from the approved list of prompts, and explains the connection between the literary work and the chosen topic. The explanation is slightly underdeveloped.


You are off to a good start!  You clearly identified a specific story, poem, or play from the Approved List of Prompts.  Be sure to read the story more than once and make notes. That process will help you gather ideas about the text and prepare you to develop a focus for your analysis.

( 1.52 / 2.00) Develop a Working Thesis

Basic - Develops a working thesis that is too broad and/or does not clearly articulate an argument about the literary text(s). The thesis is unclear.


This version of your thesis needs significant revision. Remember that a thesis statement should provide clear direction to the essay's body paragraphs. While you did well choosing a topic, you will need to create a thesis statement that clearly articulates your original analysis about the author's work.

( 1.76 / 2.00) Identify Three Key Ideas in Support of Your Thesis

Proficient - Identifies three key ideas in support of the thesis. Some supporting points may summarize the plot rather than reflect a critical reading of the primary text(s). The key ideas are slightly underdeveloped.


You make a good effort to select three key ideas; however, they are a bit vague.  You might take time to refine these ideas, making them more concrete and clear.

( 1.76 / 2.00) Project Plans and Concerns

Proficient - Describes questions, concerns, and plans for the project as requested in the template. Minor details are missing or slightly underdeveloped.


You do a terrific job describing any questions and concerns you have for your literary analysis.  You also clearly describe your plans to research and write this essay. 

( 0.44 / 0.50) Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics

Proficient - Displays comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains only a few minor errors and is mostly easy to understand.


Good job! Correct conventions facilitate the reading of the text.

( 0.44 / 0.50) Written Communication: Page Requirement

Proficient - The length of the paper is nearly equivalent to the required number of correctly formatted pages. 

Overall Score: 8.56 / 10.00

Overall Grade: 7.71