This is a research paper about human trafficking








Topic, ideas or thesis is clearly stated for the intended audience.

Topic, ideas or thesis is pretty clear for the intended audience, but needs sharpening.

Topic, ideas or thesis is stated, but the thinking is fuzzy, resulting in a disorganized focus.

Topic, ideas or thesis is not stated though one might be able to infer the ideas.

Topic, ideas or thesis is not stated, and it is difficult to find any meaning for the project, Or many meanings are stuck in at random.


There is a unified theme that develops the project

Ideas and examples are coherent (ideas follow a logical order and are connected to each other).

Transitions clearly show relationship between ideas and topics

Conclusion echoes or summarizes the thesis and leaves the intended reader satisfied.

Same as prior, but concepts needs sharpening and hence does not guide the project as clearly. Ideas are abstract. Most of the ideas and examples in the outline develop and support the project. One or more idea needs tightening. Transitions connect most ideas

Most ideas and examples follow in a logical order and are connected to each other bringing some unity and coherence. The conclusion summarizes main points, but needs polish.

Project is disorganized. Unity and coherence are lost. Transitions connect some ideas to the thesis. At least one example is inserted, but is sketchy. There are occasional lapses in logical order and connection of ideas. Things are not tied together.

Project is choppy and rough. No identifiable logical order or connection between ideas or thoughts. No conclusion or summation- the project is unfinished.


Same as prior, but no effort is made by the writer to complete the project in a meaningful manner. Ideas and thoughts don't connect with one another, Or the entire effort revolves around one vague idea.



Project is developed to "show," that is, to be concrete and scenic with narrative rather than just "tell" with abstract exposition. Concrete examples, quotations, anecdotes, descriptions, images etc. are fully developed in effective proportion to support the ideas of the project. The project grabs the reader’s attention.

Same as prior, but examples are not as vivid, and some of the points remain at the telling or abstract level. Some good examples of "show," but the project overall is not consistent in presentation.

Project is fairly clear and follows topic and ideas, but tends to remain stuck at the abstract level. All "tell" and no "show."

Same as prior, but the project combines abstract ideas that may mean something in them but clash with other ideas in the project that leads to confusion.

One idea maybe apparent in presentation-or one example, but nothing is developed.


Writing uses Standard Edited American English. Language and diction are appropriate to audience.

Follows rules for grammar, spelling and usage. Writing has a polished and elegant style.

Same as prior, but with a few minor lapses. Follows rules for grammar, spelling and usage with a few typographical errors.  Writing style tends to be a little rough in spots.

Same as prior, but more lapses in grammar, spelling and usage that do not interfere with understanding.

Writing seeks to follow Standard American English for the most part, but language is often inappropriate for audience. Errors in grammar, spelling and usage interfere with understanding.

Writing fails to show any skill in following Standard Edited American English.

Major errors in grammar, spelling and usage make understanding very difficult.


Supporting details are well researched and accurate. Variety of sources are incorporated (15-20) Sources are credible and are cited correctly using APA style.


Same as prior, but with fewer supporting details and sources.

Sources are mostly credible and cited correctly using APA citation style with some minor errors.


Same as prior, but research is poorly developed and few sources are cited (less than 10). Attempt to follow APA citation style fails with numerous errors.


Major errors in supporting detail -with less than 5 sources used. Sources are not credible with major errors in citation or no citation.

No research

No citations.