FRR essay.


Farm Related Research Proposal


Research has been known to be one of the most important and highly significant ways through which individuals attain a clear understanding of the many aspects of issues that they do not clearly understand. Through research, people can attain certainty concerning issues and other aspects of life. Among others, farm issues require significant research. The issues regarding farms that I propose for research is the issue of farm additives that are highly appropriate to make the firms more productive. Currently, almost all farms utilize fertilizers and other chemicals to help improve the farm's productivity. Different farmers and farms, however, utilize different fertilizers among other chemicals, which they believe would work best. The research in this area should be based on the need to understand whether, among all the existing farm improvement products, there is a specific product with the capability to perform better in all farms. It will also explain whether there is a specific product that can be ranked as the best farm improvement product, which should be recommended to all farmers for effective use in their farms (Monsanto, 2017).

A large number of authors have provided significant information concerning the most appropriate way that different farm products should be utilized in farms to provide excellent farm production results. Some authors aim to explain bout the importance of farm products while others explain about why people should focus on natural products like manure to enrich their farms without having to make the farms dependent on additives. Another group of authors explains that all farms cannot simply be served by a single product in the same way because different farms require different nutrients in certain amounts for them to be productive. All the information that these authors provide would be significantly useful to explain about the topic of the most appropriate farm product that can help in farm productivity.

I chose this topic because a large number of farmers have been struggling for a long time with the question of the most appropriate soil additive that they should utilize in order to increase the productivity of their farms. If there were, therefore, a product or a certain combination of products that would be certain to provide farmers with positive results according to their farms, therefore, it would save them the time and trouble to experiment on certain products with their crops being at stake. Apart from this reason, the project will also provide+ me with significant understanding of the farm with regard to the literature that farmers utilize and agriculture aspects of the farmers. This is because by researching about the productivity of a farm, I will learn almost all aspects that a farm is involved in (Gryseels, & Anderson, 2008).


  1. Topic introduction

  • A clear explanation of the topic

  • An explanation of the project and its scope

  • An explanation of the intended findings

  • Thesis of the paper

  1. Major issues concerning the farm and its production

  • Why the research is carried out on the topic

  • The issue that the research study is addressing

  • Other issues relating to the topic

  1. Main articles that provide information on this topic

  • Summary of the articles that provide information on the topic

  • Explanation of the information that the articles provide

  1. Areas of further inquiry

  2. Purpose of the proposal and the outline

  3. Conclusion

  • Explanation of the findings from literature review and aspects of further study in the project


Gryseels, G. & Anderson, F. (2008). Research on farm and livestock productivity in the central Ethiopian highlands: initial results, 1977-1980. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: International Livestock Centre for Africa.

Monsanto, (2017). Why Does Agriculture Need to be Improved: Monsanto. Retrieved from