English Oral Presentation of Final Paper


Violent Video Games



Thesis statement: I, however, believe that the violent video games make our children more aggressive and measures should be taken to rectify the issue and rid society of the vice.


Proposing arguments.

Point 1: Children learn to be violent. Children learn by observational learning and thus increase their aggressive behavior (Anderson, Gentile & Buckley, 2007).

Point 2: Children are naturally averse to violent behavior. The violent video games desensitize the children to aggressive behavior.

Point 3: Violent video games reward violent behavior. The violent video games make children believe that violence is accepted. Operant conditioning makes the children develop aggressive behavior.

Reason to solve the problem:

Point 1: Applying the deontological theory, we have a duty to protect the future of our children and ensure that the next generation is morally upright and successful (Balter & McCall, 2000).

Point 2: Ethics of care dictates that we should care for the people around us.

Solutions to the problem:

Point 1: One of the solutions would be the regulation of these violent video games. They should have an age limit on the games where the very violent video games are given to the older children who are less impressionable as compared to the younger children (Gentile, 2003).

Opposing arguments.

Point 1: The opposition state that there are many other causes of children adopting aggressive behavior such as watching violent movies and having aggressive caretakers (Gunter, 1998).

Point 2: Therapists have realized that playing violent video games while under stress makes one calm and less likely to engage in aggressive behavior.

Point 3: Very little research has been done on the topic.


The argument on the effect of video games on children, particularly on the child’s aggressive behavior rages on. With no side willing to relent on its stand, and minimal information to run on, it is hard to draw a conclusion and name one side as correct. The issue is like an ethical dilemma; it has no truly correct answer. It is, however, a societal issue that requires the attention of the society, and more suggestions should be given to mitigating it. In spite of the opponents, I believe that violent video games make our children more aggressive and measures should be taken to rectify the issue and rid society of the vice.


Anderson, C., Gentile, D. & Buckley, K, (2007). Violent video game effects on children and adolescents: theory, research, and public policy. Oxford New York: Oxford University Press.

Balter, L. & McCall, R. (2000). Parenthood in America: an encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO.

Gentile, D. (2003). Media violence and children: a complete guide for parents and professionals. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Gunter, B. (1998). The effects of video games on children: the myth unmasked. Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press.