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Carolyn Quinn Sarah Banks English 1213 April 19, 2017 Martha Mendoza , " Between a Woman and Her Doctor " Between a Woman and her Doctor was written by Martha Mendoza during an emotional event of her life. She had been pregnant with a boy and in the second trimester, she found out her baby had died in womb. Mendoza uses a strong ethos by using her investigative education to successfully appeal to those reading her article. Mendoza is a credible person by using her own personal description s, and researches legitimate studies from Journal of Obstetrics and the American Medical Association, presenting to any woman to show they have options. Mendoza supports her rhetorical appeal of pathos by using her own personal situation and informing other women of there are options to legal abortion, to those woman who need it. Mendoza, brings in to the essay her investigation of the different ways the doctors can remove her deceased fetus, she researched through the American Journal of Obste trics that the safest way for a woman would be Dilatation and Evacuation. Finding out through her search there are very few doctors. Mainly for ethical and legal reasons that do not teach or even perform this operation she needed. .Mendoza finds out during researching that “study after study shows Dilatation and Evacuation(D&E) are safer then labor and delivery of a large dead fetus., and women are less likely to have bleeding” (625). D&E, in definition is the expulsion of the fetus by inducing labor, allo wing only a brief time of labor , the woman is likely to bleed or have an acute amniotic embolism.(Grimes 119). Mendoza has given her audience a very good information about D&E, by giving them medical background and statistical information. Making other wo man aware of these medical options puts D&E in to perspective for them. Misconceptions by others and not understanding of their options can lead to future female reproduction problems. Mendoza gives detailed information to explain how one gets care a nd include the steps one has to endure for a legal abortion. After many days of waiting to see her actual doctor that performs her procedure , the details of her procedure discussed sound painful and agonizing.

Describing the first part was, “They insert Seaweed sticks into my cervix”. Then the medical staff asked her about after labor, exactly what she wanted to do with her son. “have the remains incinerated by the hospital pathology as medical waste” (Mendoza 627). Her vivid example of her experience shows in her writing, and it allows her audience to see the emotional and physical pain she had to live through. Mendoza essay is certainly heavy on the pathos, but she balances it out with her ethos appeal. . I agree in the fact that she went through a horrible event, and feel that she has effectively through her own personal situation explained the facts about legal abortions. Throughout her essay she summarized and accomplished her pathos and ethos purpose . If I would change anything on this essay it would most likely be the title. Because Between a Woman and her doctor, leads you to believe that it was just about her. The article was more then about her , it was about ALL women and their doctors. Wor k Cited Mendoza, Martha. " Between a Woman and Her Doctor " The McGraw -Hill Reader: Issues Across the Disciplines. 12th edition. Gilbert H. Muller. New York, NY: McGraw -Hill, 2014. 624 -629 . Print Grimes, David A., and Willard Cates Jr. "Dilatation and evacuation." Second -Trimester Abortion . Springer Netherlands, 1981. 119 -133.