Mechanical IMechE Desgin Challenge The Challenge - To build a repeatable ‘vehicle’ which is movable within certain parameters. - The vehicle should move from point on the flat surface to touch the wall at a right angle and then return back to stop as close to the starting point. - The vehicle should stop within the distance ‘d’ as much as possible - The vehicle is completely mechanical and no use of electronic circuits is done . The Design - The design is a four -wheeled rectangular chassis vehicle. - The vehicle is completely constructed using Plywood. Plywood is lighter in weight and is inexpensive compared to Acrylic. One of our focus was to make the car light -weight as it can be propelled forward easily. - The propelling system of the car was designed using a 9V DC Motor and gearing system. The gears were connected by attaching it on the rear axle and the shaft of the DC motor respectively. - A spring load system was designed for the car to return back. The springs would be connected and clamped onto front bumper and released when the vehicle hits the wall The Parts Used In Construction Description of Parts Used in Construction - DC Motor: It is 9v Electrical Motor which propels the vehicle forward - Battery: It is an alkaline 9V PP3 variant - Push Button: The Push Button is connected to the battery and the battery is connected to the DC Motor - Spring: It is used to design the spring load - Gears: It was used to connect DC Motor to the rear axle of the vehicle. The Costing Summary of the Vehicle - While designing and constructing the car, cost -effectiveness was kept in mind - Plywood was used instead of acrylic as it was considerably low -priced. - No screws, nuts or bolts were used. - Industrial grade adhesive was instead used for assembling the car. - Including all the parts and materials used the car was build at an economical cost of £5.79 Team Credits – Asian Raptors