HRM520 Assignment 2

Phase 1 – Business Assessment 0

Phase 1 – Business Assessment


April 23, 2017


The work of a Human Resource Manager (HRM) is to ensure that the organization is run effectively and to make sure that the needs of the employees are well taken care of. The current situation is hectic for the manager because managing ten different outlets at one given time is difficult. At the same time, the HRM lacks a system that can make work easier for him. The Human Resource Manager is suffering in two different ways. The first way is he is incurring a lot of expenses and the second way is he is wasting a lot of time by traveling from one shop to another.

The current situation has the ability to affect the operations of the stores in different ways. Employees who are lazy might take advantage of the fact a store has no HRM and be averse to performing at their full potential. On the other hand, it might be difficult for the stores to have the best employees when they need them because the Human Resource Manager might be held up in another store thus having no time to come and recruit new employees (Tursunbayeva et al. 2016). The stores are missing out in tapping into the benefits of the Human Resource Information Systems. The system makes it easy for the HRM to operate from one point and accomplish all that he needs in a very short period.

Business Assessment

In any given organization, there must be set rules and regulations. The regulations are meant to be followed to the letter. The Human Resource Department comes in to make sure that each and every rule is followed by the employees and at the same time, the needs of the employees are met. The grocery organization has more than ten stores with a total number of four hundred and forty employees. That simply means that each and every store has approximately forty-four employees. Managing forty-four employees is not easy; however, if the person doing it is not physically present, it might be harder to manage the employees (Saraswat et al. 2015). The Human Resource Manager takes care of recruiting, hiring, and processing the payrolls. Putting into consideration that he has more than ten different stores to attend to, it is difficult to balance the task and make sure that each and every store is served effectively. Therefore, the HRM ought to have measures in place that will help in reducing the workload.

Identifiable Issues

  1. Recruiting

  2. Hiring

  3. Answering questions

The issue that will be focused on the proposal is recruiting. There is an HRIS software that enables the Human Resource Manager or department to operate from one point (Beadles et al. 2015). The system is technologically enabled, and the information from different stores can be collected and submitted to the Human Resource Department or manager without the manager having to physically visit every store. Recruiting is one of the sensitive tasks, and sometimes it cannot be kept pending because it might affect the operations of an organization. Therefore, the issue needs to be prioritized.


The Human Resource Manager will benefit in different ways if he chooses to adopt the HRIS. The first benefit will be saving the cost of travel. The second benefit will be increasing efficiency and productivity. This is because his physical presence in the store will not be needed for the store to recruit competitive employees. The third benefit will be improving efficiency at the stores. HRIS are efficient and therefore using them will be taking the level of efficiency in the organization to a higher level.


Beadles, I. I., Aston, N., Lowery, C. M., & Johns, K. (2015). The impact of human resource information systems: An exploratory study in the public sector. Communications of the IIMA, 5(4), 6.

Saraswat, B. P., Bhatnagar, S., & Raina, A. K. (2015). A Comparative Study of HRIS in Small and Large Enterprises.

Tursunbayeva, A., Pagliari, C., Bunduchi, R., & Franco, M. (2016). What does it take to implement Human Resource Information System (HRIS) at scale? Analysis of the Expected Benefits and Actual Outcomes1.