Power-point done for a paper that's already done

Professional Philosophy and Development Plan Rubric




Commitment to profession

(25 points)

  • States ideas about profession and learning that are unlikely to support successful growth.

  • Fails to indicate a commitment to professional growth.

  • States or implies a self-satisfaction with current status and has little awareness or commitment to future growth and self-improvement.

  • States ideas about profession and learning that reflect a sound and reasonable platform for a successful career.

  • Implies a general commitment to professional growth.

  • Indicates openness to learning and development and a general willingness to learn and change in the future.

  • States mature ideas about profession and learning that reflect a deep understanding,

  • Expresses a realistic understanding of the profession and provides a clear and specific personal commitment to this role.

  • Shows openness to learning and development, a deep commitment to future professional growth, and a specific understanding of how to make that growth possible.




Professional knowledge and literacy

(25 points)

  • Evidences either a lack of the value of professional knowledge or reveals important limitations in own professional knowledge.

  • Does not use terminology specific to professional discourse on philosophical, social, and historical issues in chosen field.

  • Little evidence of understanding of the scope of the profession.

  • Acknowledges the general importance of various aspects of professional knowledge, but without evidence or depth of understanding or specific connection to successful outcomes.

  • Minimal or imprecise use of relevant professional language.

  • Some understanding of the scope of the profession and the complexities of structures and decision-making bodies and processes.

  • Shows a deep understanding of the value of professional knowledge and can reflect on the role this plays in successful professional practice.

  • Significant and appropriate use of relevant professional language.

  • Demonstrates in-depth understanding of the scope of the profession and the complexities of structures and decision-making bodies and processes.




Understanding of Theory and Philosophy

(20 points)

  • No reference to specific theories or theorists

  • Speaks in vague generalizations about the importance of the profession.

  • No recognition of controversy or differences in human services.

  • Minimal or imprecise references to theories/theorists

  • Minimal recognition of diverse philosophies

  • Little recognition of need to take a stand.

  • Makes clear and appropriate reference to major theories/theorists to student's own philosophy

  • Clearly recognizes that different and contradictory philosophies exist.

  • Articulates either a tentative stand on a major philosophical issue or expresses a desire to reach such a stand through future studies.




Resume (20 points)

  • The font and spacing of resume are no appealing and easily scanned.

  • Resume is not well organized. Information such as educational history and job experiences are not properly identified.

  • Complete sentences in paragraph form are used to describe previous positions. Places of work are included but not locations, dates, and titles.

  • Resume almost fills the page but has some uneven white space.

  • Resume is organized and easy to read.

  • Resume includes educational and work experiences. Descriptions are clear in the form of bullet statements beginning with action verbs but are not detailed enough to fully understand what was done at previous positions. Information provided does not relate 100 percent to the intended career field.

  • Resume fills the page but is not overcrowded; can be easily scanned.

  • Resume is organized, clear, and well defined. It highlights the most pertinent information.

  • Resume includes proper education and previous job experiences. All needed information including location, titles, and dates are listed for each position. Descriptions are clear and well marketed in bullet statements beginning with action verbs.




Writing quality

(10 pts)

  • Quality is seriously deficient and does not reflect the writing or communication skills of a professional

  • Lacks a clear focus or position. Includes extraneous information not clearly connected to the position or to the major ideas of this paper.

  • Author either expresses major thoughts with little support or elaboration or provides an abundance of details without making larger points.

  • Weak organizational structure. It is difficult to follow the writer's plan or to see what the connection is among the major points.

  • Serious errors are evident in mechanics, usage, grammar, and/or spelling. Paper suggests lack of understanding or poor control of basic conventions of writing.

  • Meets the standards of sound professional communication with neither major writing deficiencies or any significant accumulation of minor problems. Expresses information clearly.

  • States a clear position and several major points. Most statements emphasize or elaborate on this position and the major point.

  • Major points are adequately developed for making the writer's case. Some examples, explanation, and evidence are used.

  • Paper as a clear plan that is followed throughout the paper.

  • Few errors are evident in mechanics, usage, grammar, and spelling, and these errors do not significantly detract from the message.

  • A well-developed piece of writing that is professional, informative, and interesting. This paper reflects a clear understanding of the needs of the audience and expresses information with vigor and clarity.

  • Position is clearly stated and focus is maintained throughout the paper. All major ideas are expressed directly and logically developed.

  • Support is abundant and shows original thought. Uses examples, explanation, and evidence to support all major ideas and even some supporting ideas.

  • Strong and clear organizational plan which is maintained successfully throughout the entire paper. The ideas are skillfully and logically connected.

  • No errors or extremely minor errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, and spelling.