To katetutor: Professional Brand Presentation Slides

Now that you've developed the content or the message for your Professional Brand Presentation Outline, the next step is to consider the look and feel of your brand. 

Communicating a clear professional brand with an audience requires aligning your message with effective visual design principles. In this case, you will design a presentation slideshow to correspond with your content.


Before beginning your presentation slides, it is important to have completed your Module 5 Readings, Videos, and Lessons. It will also be a good idea to look at any instructor feedback on your Professional Brand Presentation Outline. 

Part One: Adding Your Speaking Notes

The outline you created in Module 4 will serve as your speaking notes when you deliver your Professional Brand Presentation. To set up your slideshow for success, don't begin by adding all of your speaking notes to the slides. Instead, follow these steps:

  • Open PowerPoint®, Google Slides™, or Keynote® to blank, clean, empty slides (plain black, plain white)

  • Add your message from the Professional Brand Presentation Outline to the "Presenter's Notes" section below each blank slide. For a guide on how to set up Presenter's Notes, please see the tutorials below.

  • Create as many blank slides as you need for your Outline. A good rule of thumb is to include one main idea per slide. 

Now that you've set up your speaking notes, you're ready to design your slideshow.


Part Two: Creating Your Slides

Now that you've set up your presentation with your speaking notes, you can begin designing slides to align with your message. You will speak the information in the Presenter's Notes, so there is no need to type out that information word-for-word on the slides. Instead, use those basic design principles to reinforce your message.

Remember the design tips from Garr Reynolds (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.: keep your slides simple, limit text, limit animations, and use color and font well. Focus on adding a large, clear visual to each slide. Apply the picture superiority effect by blending images with a little bit of relevant text. Consider font size and type as well as color to create unity from slide to slide.