Dr. Sidney Please


Problem Statement

Samantha Bonds

Capella University

Problem statement

The problem statement of a proposal will at all point be the one that will have to guide an individual in the way forward in taking the proposal. Since the prime focus of my study is on obesity, this will have to mean that my problem statement will also have to pick a particular field in childhood obesity. Obesity in children has been seen to be one of the deadliest tragedies that are affecting the young children. This is because of the kind of diet that they are subjected to. Obesity has been in the position to affect the rate at which the children that are affected in most homes to be in a disastrous state. This has seen the concerned kids being in the position of not getting to lead a healthy life at all. The causes of early childhood obesity have been studied widely, and so the prevention strategies have also been put in place. The main part that has not been put much focus is on the effects and challenges that the children affected by obesity face.

From the references provided, we see that different authors have been in the position to openly address some of the significant aspects of obesity in children. Naris N, Waters E, and Koplan were able to come up and addressed the issue of how to prevent obesity in children. They were in the position to clearly focus on the prevention as many children were at a higher risk of being affected by obesity. Cameroon and Norgan were also in the position to ensure that they taught parents on obesity making sure that they understood about obesity in children. Kransegur was also seen to talk about the children who are already living with obesity in our societies. He was in the position to assure the parents that all is well and with strategies that he found the condition would be reversed.

The part that has not been focused on is about the challenges and the effects of obesity. This is the part that has been neglected as most people focus on the causes and prevention of obesity (Branca, Nikogosian, & Lobstein, 2007). The problem of the statement will read “research on the effects and challenges that children are living with obesity face in their daily life.” The research questions that will be based on the research itself and will have to be dealing with the children at large. What is the most likely age that will make a child prone to obesity? What are the effects that are likely to be faced by a child living with obesity? What are the challenges that children are living with obesity face?

How is the study different?

The study will be so much far different than any other studies as it will be based on the study of children. This is the sense that it will have to entail the close monitoring of children and to engage them in the research despite the fact that they are small and not in the position to be involved.

Practical application of the research

The research will have to be able to address the public on the effects and the challenges that the children pass through when they are a base. This will have to make the parents be in the position to understand the pain and suffering that their children will be passing through if they get to have obesity.

Impact of study on field of interest

The study will have to positively impact the parents who had no idea of the effects and challenges of obesity in their children. This is in the sense that they will find it interesting to ensure that they monitor the diet of their children this study will also be in the position to attract more people as it will be dealing with children and so making it unique in a way.


Branca, F., Nikogosian, H. & Lobstein, T. (2007). The challenge of obesity in the WHO European region and the strategies for response : summary. Copenhagen: World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe