The assignment is about coca cola company , question 1 and 4 answered already

I just need the answers for Q3 and Q5


The important aspects to be included in the assignment are as follows:

  1. Determine Specific T&D Needs (what was the training need and how the need analysis was done)

  2. Establish Specific T&D Objectives (what was the training goal).

  3. T&D Method(s) and Delivery System(s)

    • The Lecture Method

    • The Discussion Methods,

    • The Online or E-Learning,

    • The Interactive Methods.

    • Any other Method

  1. Implement T&D Programs ( How the training program was implemented)

    • Place, time, day, date, price …etc.

    • Things that were used in your training program

    • Training contents.

  1. Evaluate T&D Programs using (How was the training evaluated).

  1. Conclusion & Recommendations.

Please Note:

  1. Read the questions carefully & answer clearly by covering all the important aspects.

  2. Make a detailed report (upto7 to 9 pages).

  3. Give proper referencing (Use APA style of referencing).


Training and Development Program in Coca Cola Company


In this project, we will discuss the training and development program of Coca Cola company in details to understand the main process of training. Coca Cola company considered as the baggiest company that produces and markets soft drinks around the world. (http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/coca-cola-great-britain/working-with-bottling-franchisees-around-the-world/introduction.html) Training programs plays a key role in Coca Cola company. They take care of the training and development of all their employees from the beginning of hiring process and until the top executive and managers. One of the reasons the care about training because they believe that continuous improvement of their staff is critical to keep up with the dynamic change of the customer demand and exceed it to be in the top of the competitors.

Coca Cola implements several training and development such as leadership, conference, couching, management and other. In this paper, we chose the management training program to identify its process and steps to be implemented in Coca Cola company. (https://www.ukessays.com/essays/commerce/training-and-development-programme-for-coca-cola-commerce-essay.php) There are 5 steps to implement management training and they are as following:

1-Determine the needs of training and development program:

The need is determined by analyzing three critical levels:

  • Organizational Analysis: In this level the whole organization perspective, goals, objectives and mission will be discussed to what we need to achieve them. Coca Cola's main vision is to maximize their productivity, Increase the profitability, maintain their position to be the head of the market and to have comfortable work environment by having integrated workers. To achieve those points, they need to upgrade their management skills continuously. (http://www.coca-colacompany.com/our-company/mission-vision-values)

  • Task Analysis: By using the job description we can identify what tasks are required to achieve the overall objectives of the company. In this case, we are analyzing the management and top executive's tasks. Coca Cola need to ensure that all employees in managerial level can direct the lower employees and communicate them well. Also, they must have the ability to make decisions about any urgent problem, improvement opportunity or solve problems that could hurt the company. They are required to predict the risk and always be aware of it to avoid it before it occurs. The main task of the managers is to make good planning for the long term, organizing the work, leading and controlling the lower employees successfully. (https://www.managementstudyguide.com/how-management-functions-are-performed-at-coca-cola.htm)

  • Person Analysis: This depends on each employee individually. Every manager should take continuous tests to determine whether he needs to be trained and developed or not. Coca Cola wants to ensure that every employee goes to training really needs it rather than waste the time and money of the company in repeating knowledge has been given earlier. Management training program upgrades the top management knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA's) to meet the dynamic change in working environment. (https://www.ukessays.com/essays/commerce/training-and-development-programme-for-coca-cola-commerce-essay.php)


Implement T&D Programs ( How the training program was implemented)
• Place, time, day, date, price …etc.
Training programs have been implemented by focusing on strategies and bridging the gap between the organization and the consumer.The training program is the most important part of Coca Cola, they use a Creative Ways to Introduce Diversity Into the Workplace. Diversity focuses on the similarities and differences employees possess within an organization. Employers can fill this void by establishing ways to introduce diversity in the workplace. Training helps to promote values, engage employees and create a positive working environment.
The University of Coca-Cola is the basic curriculum taught in the company. Many methods are used in the classroom, including e-learning and field training. The company offers several courses in which thousands of contestants participated, with more than 27,000 participating in 2009 worldwide.
• Pay and reward  

The organization should motivate employees to attract them and retaining the most talent to forward our business.

• Things that were used in your training program.
1-Some of the programs used in training include social learning theory, which is the theory of development and learning, which is heavily influenced by employee behavior and information.

2-Follow some training methods, including:

Attention – The company should pay attention to the employee so that they do not have a negative reaction.

Retention – Trying to keep the information in the minds of employees so they can retrieve or use it in time of need and act.  and motivation.(https://www.ukessays.com/essays/commerce/training-and-development-progr