I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots. This famous quote was stated by our known genius Albert Einstein about how technology will be in the future. Remember the old day of the 19 centuries? Children playing around the street with new toys that require no electricity at all. Travelling to the nearest phone booth to make call to relative or new friend that may live only few miles away. As towns and cities grew larger, so did technology, so it was not so convenient to live without technology. As time passed by, technology started to take over our lives like it was our daily dose of medication to survive in the current world. These daily doses of technology use not only took over our lives, but also started to affect our social isolation, social skills, increase of body weight, caused depression and even increased bullying. So, is technology really helping us or is it making us worst? Technology may seem like it is hurting us more than its help us, but it has changed the life of many disable, the ailing and the unfortunate. So, you still think that technology is the worst invention ever created by humans?

Technology has several uses in our daily life. The use of technology is increasing so is the ability to help people and save their lives. Technology has been used to track people health condition while there are home and provide fast assistance in time of emergency. Prosthetic body parts, Nano robots, artificial intelligence in medical decision-making, production of biomaterials such as kidney or heart tissues, drugs and eventually living cells. These are some of the major benefits that help changed people lives. Prosthetic body parts are an artificial mechanical device that replaces a missing body part, which may be injured/effected by some dieses or some kind of tragic incident. Technology help prosthetic body part by creating them as well help in daily activities such as walking, eating, or working. Another way how technology ailing people are by using nanotechnology such as Nanorobot uses Nano size robot that are injected the bloodstream to remove any type of cancer or purify the bloodstream. These technology help remove varies types of disease which were able to find during earlier century. If this seemed to amaze you, you will be shocked to know that technology nowadays can help you print an organ which can be replaced your damages organs. You might think that this is impossible, so let hear real-live stories from people who been through this process. As Randall Willie stated, “Each success I had made it worth it, learning each new task you do is a highlight and makes you realize that life does go on. makes it worth it, each new task you can learn and do, is a highlight, and life does go on. I am thrilled to say that I can now go fishing thanks to Jonas and his staff at Real Life prosthetics. Ten months after the accident I was able to fish in the Championship Tournament, the same tournament that I got hurt in when trying to qualify”. He states that his life was changed by that horrible accident, but after getting a prosthetics; it seems his life went back to normal.