eng mod5

Exploration Paper 0

Exploration Paper

Cristina Vazquez

Rasmussen College

Author Note

This paper is being submitted on April 27, 2017, for Professor Sally DePriest’s G126A/ENC1121 English Composition II course.

Exploration Paper

Both genders can possibly be victims of domestic violence. Past findings have shown that a higher percentage being affected by domestic violence is women. Violence in both genders is experienced differently. The energy used is extreme as others can attack after getting drunk or through a lot of anger. Examples are physical injuries and threats. This can make the women live in fear of their spouses. Research has shown that women are more likely to report the fear of their lives. In cases of violence started by men, women fight back to free themselves while for men,they fight to release their anger on women or for some reasons known to them (Anderson, 1997)

This violence can also make a person be held in custody as seen in some cases where it has led to death of some. Some questions might arise like; is there any relationship between domestic violence and gender? This might be true because we can see that both young and older counterparts are subject to domestic violence.in some answers to research questions, it should be noted that domestic violence in most cases is inflicted regardless of the age or sex of a person as both gender can be victims. Women can also empower themselves to fight for themselves. (Heise, Pitanguy, & Germain, 1994)

It should be made known to all that women are the most who suffer from this act of domestic violence than men. This has caused lots of breakages in marriage and therefore couples should try and avoid this act.


Anderson, K. L. (1997). Gender, status, and domestic violence: An integration of feminist and family violence approaches. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 655-669.

Heise, L. L., Pitanguy, J., & Germain, A. (1994). Violence against women: the hidden health burden. The World Bank.