Calculus I: Write 120-150 words Definition paragrapghs with at least one example

Writing Project: Writing to Define

This project for this class will involve writing detailed definitions of content-specific vocabulary, including examples. Content-specific vocabulary for this course includes highly specialized terms such as “domain,” “function,” “limit,” and “derivative.” Each group will identify Five such terms from this semester to write 120-150 word definitions using a variety of elaboration strategies

The project will be assessed based on the following criteria:

 Correctness (How accurate and reliable is each definition?)

 Depth (How thorough, detailed, and fully developed is each definition?)

 Language (Is the writing precise and grammatically correct throughout the paper?)

 Presentation (Does the paper adhere to MLA formatting guidelines?)

Here are answers to some questions you might have:

 Total number of definitions per group: 5

 Use MLA formatting (see handout on MLA and two-definition sample)

 Total length: Five pages

o One definition per page, with the term in small caps at the top

o Each definition must include at least one example (more if they are small examples, less if the example(s) are more involved/detailed)

o No Works Cited page because all the ideas should be yours. Do not quote or paraphrase from other sources.

Do not copy and paste worked out examples from the internet or retype worked out examples from class. This is an opportunity to show what you know, not what the internet knows.

Examples need to be specific. For example, if you’ve chosen “derivative,” you don’t want to use (