write a reply to the following response.

Hume refers to the term impressions to be clear and vivid memories based on our senses, emotions, and feelings. Meaning that whenever you recall an impression you are able to think of the scenery thanks to your senses, your emotions, and your feelings within the memory. Without the senses you would not be able to clearly establish and recall a vivid point of reference because you would have no feelings towards them. A lack of these senses would result in what Hume’s calls an “idea.” Ideas are less vivid memories that are essentially copies of impressions. So in a sense your impressions are your immediate memory and your ideas are just formed in the thought of impressions; without an idea you would not have an impression. Therefore, not only are ideas like impressions but they both are dependent upon one another to exist.

In relation to the argument that we do not see any power in objects that are able to create a connection to cause and effect, Humes suggests that the mind tricks the body into thinking it is powerful when it is in the hands of a higher being. We have the impression that we are powerful because, for example, we believe that our will is what makes the body move. However, not all of the body can be controlled which is what causes Humes to suggest that there needs to be a higher power that controls the body as we cannot. With that being said, the human mind cannot comprehend the power to control will because we cannot associate it with other cause or effect scenarios. As humans we rely on our mind and recollection or impressions to develop future cause and effects and when we can’t we assume it is within the power of God. Essentially, in terms of the body, God willed our body to move so that was the cause of of our body’s movement, rather than our own will. For example, if we were to have our appendix rupture, an organ you are unable to control at will, it would be caused by the higher power and result in the effect of pain and sickness. However, Humes also argues that each event is unconnected as the mind cannot fathom the power of cause and effects because we cannot create a reasoning for it. Humans have difficulty believing that it is in God’s will but also reject the idea of will of our own. Therefore, there are many variables left unknown which humans make up for through cause and effect.

I agree that there is a secret power that attributes to cause and effect, because as mentioned before, it’s arguable that it’s not in gods will, but it’s also arguable that it’s not within humans will either. Therefore, there must be some outer being that powers the notion of cause and effect. I also believe that humans expect the same outcomes to things that have shown to happen prior, although it could be false. For example, a child sees his mother get stung by a bee and have an allergic reaction. The child is then fearful of getting stung by a bee and swelling up although he is not allergic himself. I do agree that the mind controls the power of cause and effect although it may be incorrect. So although it wouldn’t happen to the child, his mind created the idea that it would happen due to prior knowledge that his mom was stung and an allergic reaction was the result. Similar to the golden mountain and centaur, the mind can created an idea in his mind based on ideas he had already known.