
This assignment requires the student to search for a specific topic or issue in Tweeter and search for two or more articles related to the topic (the two articles I chose are attached in the bottom of the page, you can click on them to go to the right page).

This is the tweet I chose: #Humans – the real threat to life on Earth. Read it carefully and relate the two articles to it.

Based on the tweet I found above please write a news article of approximately 500-800 words about the tweet and articles you are going to find. You are in essence creating what is known as “second source” journalism. This is the type of journalism used by many online publications like Buzz Feed, Huffington Post, Bust, etc...What this means is that rather than using firsthand information (interviews, research, etc...) that was done by the journalist/s, the writer/s are relying on the information from other sources or news articles/publications. Students may be reading several articles on the same subject, and from that creating their own article on that subject.

This assignment requires some research into the topic. Please use at least two sources from different news articles or magazine articles BUT you must cite ALL of your sources at the end of this section. You will also need to use in-text citations. You need to cite where you got your Tweet from, and all of the sources you used to research your news article. This is what fact checkers do