a hydraulic structure - fluid mechanics

  1. Knowledge and understanding of the topic

This is the factual foundation of the assignment. The essential facts should be accurate and broad enough in their scope to allow further application.

  1. Application and analysis of the topic (Module specific Skill)

This is the way in which you analyze/ examine the factual information and how you interpret this information to add value to your answer (this could be in the form of conclusions, solutions, recommendations, etc.). It is also important to remember that the assessor must logically be able to follow the information in assignment submissions.

  1. The structure in terms of logic and coherence

Submissions should have a clear start and a clear end. Information within submissions should also be logical and well grouped. Report structure, is composed of Abstract, Introduction & Referencing, Result Analysis, and Conclusion & Future works.

  1. The use of relevant work examples and/or examples gained from further reading

Suggestions for further reading are contained within the course work and indicated at the end of the course work. These reading lists are not exhaustive and candidates are encouraged to read further and reference at the end of the course work using Harvard style of referencing.

Please note all assignments are subject to plagiarism software checks, “TURNITIN”.


It is important to understand what plagiarism is and how it can be avoided.

Unacknowledged copying from published sources (including the internet) or incomplete referencing”.

The following also constitute plagiarism:

• Copying sections of work from a friend/colleague.

• Having a friend/family member dictate something to you.

• Copying and pasting from the internet without citing the source.

• Copying directly from a study text quotation without citing the source.


When using quotations from books, websites or journal articles you should cite the author and the year of publication then use the quote in quotation marks.


Paraphrasing is where you encapsulate another person’s original idea, argument or conclusion in your own words. It is still necessary to attribute those ideas to the author, and you can do this by using the formatting outlined above for direct quotations, taking care to include the author’s surname and the year of publication.


We acknowledge that you may undertake joint study with colleagues or as part of a formal training programme. However, working with another person to write assignments is not acceptable. Your answers must be your own and in your own words.


Harvard Referencing (CCE Style) First Edition 2013 should be followed for both in-text and listing references. This downloadable document can be found in our CCE portal at: http://portal.cce.edu.om/member/contentdetails.aspx?cid=628


  1. Plagiarism is a serious offence. In case of any plagiarism detected, penalty will be imposed leading to zero mark.

  2. Coursework and reports should be solved by the individual.

  3. Coursework and reports should be submitted on time and submission after deadline will be marked zero.

  4. Coursework should be submitted with an appropriate cover page, which can be obtained from the departmental assistant at the department.

  5. Name, student identification and title of the coursework to be written clearly and legibly on the cover page.

  6. The completed coursework is to be submitted to the departmental assistant on or before the deadline and record your name, date of submission and signature in the book with the departmental assistant.

  7. Tasks expected for the component “Assignment” are as follows:

    1. The coursework is an individual work.

    2. Answer the coursework by use of the material provided in the class

Tasks Expected

Task-1: Field Visit Report

Site visit will be arranged for a hydraulic structure to find a context for the study of Fluid Mechanics and understand of its principles. Your task is to observe and note type of structure, purpose, hydraulic characteristics of the chosen structure and try to find out the information about the following:

  • Role and importance of Dam in Oman and other countries

  • Identification, classification and comparison of such type of structure in Oman and in other countries based on construction material, purpose, hydraulic characteristics

  • Detailed description of the visited structure (location, type, purpose, hydraulic characteristics, components)

  • Calculation of hydrostatic pressure and center of pressure on the dam based on collected data

Requirement for the Report

Write a full detailed report on the field visit i.e., site description (location, topography…), type of structure (shape, construction material, design, capacity...), purpose, Hydraulic characteristics.

Calculation of hydrostatic pressure force and center of pressure shall be done based on collected data. Water density is 1 gr/cm3 and g is gravitational acceleration and is considered 9.8 m/s2. Water level H shall be incremented by Y (water level = H+Y).

Y is last three digit of the student number divided by 5000. For example, if student number is 120405 then Y is 405/5000 = 0.081 and the water level is H= 10m then H+0.081= 10.081m

Total marks will be out of 50 for the report. The weightage is 50% from the total coursework. Marks distribution for the different parts of the report is presented in the table below:

Introduction, Role and importance of dam in Oman and other countries

5 marks

Identification and classification of Dam based on, description of Dam in Oman

10 marks

Details of visited structure (location, type, purpose, hydraulic characteristics, and components) with labeled Sketches and detailed explanation.

20 marks

Calculation of hydrostatic pressure force and center of pressure on the structure

7 marks

Conclusion and Recommendation

5 marks


3 marks


50 marks

Guidelines for the Report

  • Report should not be more than 2000 words

  • Report should contain list of contents, list of tables and figures, nomenclature.

  • Introduction should contain details of the site along with other requirements.

  • Tables and Figures should be with Captions and References.

  • Different set of data for hydrostatic pressure and center of pressure calculation will be considered for each student based on his student number

  • No report will be accepted without Turnitin check.

Task-2: Class assessment

  • Timed assignments will be conducted at the beginning of a class session.

  • They will occur with prior announcement

  • They are short class tutorial covering assigned reading materials and the previous lecture(s), and take about one hour to solve a simple design problem

  • If a student did not attend a class tutorial for a genuine reason, a replacement assessment will be scheduled for him/her and the mark will be capped to 80% of the scored mark.

  • If a student did not attend an assessment and fail to produce a genuine reason, no replacement assessment will be scheduled for him/her and only ZERO mark will be awarded for that assignment.

Assignment No.

Topics Covered

Total mark


Class assessment 1

Application on momentum equation


5th teaching week

Class assessment 2

Application on dimensional analysis


10th teaching week