PROF washington watson



EDEL 096/097

Due: May 9th

150 points

Competencies to be Addressed in Strategic Reading

Students will work independently in assigned texts, self-selected reading materials and computer-assisted instruction, to improve skills in vocabulary and

comprehension. The promotion of reading for both learning and enjoyment will

be emphasized throughout the course. Taken from our course syllabus

Please respond to the following questions related to our course. Be as specific and

honest as possible. Your response should contain 3 distinct paragraphs that address

the following questions:

1) How did/did Reading 097 improve your vocabulary skills this semester? How about

beyond this semester? How do you think these skills will improve your

ability to succeed as a college student?

2) How did/did Reading 097 improve your comprehension skills this semester? How

about beyond this semester? How do you think these skills will improve your

ability to succeed as a college student?

3) Read and respond to the letter you sent yourself at the beginning of the semester. What was the important advice you gave yourself? Was it useful? What advice would you give future 1st year students now that you are finishing

your first year of college?

Only answer question 4 if you cannot retrieve your letter

4) Did the course help promote reading for both learning and enjoyment for

you? Be honest and write how it has or has not. How does this impact your

ability to succeed as a college student?

Bring a printed copy to my office by the due date.