Geo110 HW3

Find Article on Oceania



News Source (publisher):

Name of article:

Date of Article:

Link to Article:

1. What did you already know about the article topic –OR-- the region it covers? (3-5 sentences) (Do NOT say that you “know nothing about the subject or the region it covers” – that is impossible. You should at least have an idea about the region from the chapter you read in the course textbook!)

2. Comprehensiveness of Information

A. The 5 "W's" and "H" (Be detailed – each answer should be at least 2 – 3 sentences)

1. Who?:

2. What?:

3. Where?:

4. When?:

5. Why?:

6. How?:

B. Which of the 5 themes of Geography does this article most pertain to –AND-- explain in 3-5 sentences how it applies?:

3. Magnitude of the event in story

A. Is it international, national or local?:

B. What is its impact or potential impact? How are or were people affected by it? (3-5 sentences):

4. Scholarly Reaction – In 3 – 5 paragraphs, summarize what you think of this article relating/supporting your thoughts to geographic themes you have read in your textbook and other sources.