ENG102 Case 1

Formal Essay Outline

Name: Byron Singleton
Date: 04/23/17
Mod/Case: Module 1 SLP/Case
Tentative paper title: Growing up at home

  1. Introduction

Introductory Paragraph

A. Opening sentence (attention getter): Where you come from, and the ways and styles you are taught will stick with you and you will notice it later on in life.

B. a brief summary to introduce the topic: the reason for this essay is to consider and outline the different impacts and influences students see, in different styles of parenting or schooling

C. thesis statement: Growing up at home will mold you into the adult you become.

II. Body

First Body Paragraph (1st supporting point)

A. Topic Sentence states 1st supporting point: Technology advances have changed the way students are taught these days, and will continue to change.

B. Expand and give specific details: The advances in technology such as the smart board instead of the overhead projector or traditional blackboard. The students are introduced to technology earlier in their lives which in turn makes them smarter.

C. Provide support using examples and if assigned, quotes: Kids get ipads, iphones, ipods, tablets which have apps for everything and they learn and develop a lot faster.

D. Analysis (analyze/connect evidence to supporting reason and argument)

Second Body Paragraph (2nd supporting point)

A. Topic Sentence states 2nd supporting point: Home life can definitely influence the way students learn and interact in the school environment.

B. Expand and give specific details: a military student might have different values that are taught to them early in life, as oppose to a student who was raised by a single parent.

C. Provide support using examples and if assigned, quotes: The military lifestyle is a lot different than the civilian sector, for example early on the military parent may force their child to respect the values, Loyalty, duty, respect, honor, and integrity etc.

D. Analysis (analyze/connect evidence to supporting reason and argument)

Third Body Paragraph (3rd supporting point)

A. Topic Sentence states 3rd supporting point: Peers, and students that are brought up with.

B. Expand and give specific details: Your friends in your school and classes can directly impact the way you learn way you act. Joking, embarrassment, distraction.

C. Provide support using examples and if assigned, quotes: the distractions can be a lot bigger once in high school, and may be hard to teach.

D. Analysis (analyze/connect evidence to supporting reason and argument)

V. Conclusion

A. Restate main point of the essay: To focus on the way children are taught, and the impacts and influences they face.

B. Summarize supporting reasons: Technology advances, home life plays a role, and their friends and peers in the class.

C. Concluding thoughts to leave a lasting impression on the reader: Growing up, changing ways , and molding the future through influences.